vue has this option publicPath which lets an app to be deployed on subpath: foobar.com/my-path , making links and every asset accessible via it.
From performance standpoint, I want to enable CDN on my application's assets. How can I use the URL specifically for assets (and not the hyperlinks)?
should become https://my-staging-cdn.com/my-path/assets/app.js
should remain the same
The configuration below allows me to set the path and assets directory, but not able to figure out how to set cdn URL for assets
module.exports = {
publicPath: ‘/my-path/‘,
assetsDir: 'assets'
Cannot do:
publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'https://my-staging-cdn.com/my-path' : '/my-path/'
, as it will change the URL in application's links too.
Wasn't able to get the CDN working or assets out of the box. I tried other strategies like pre-rendering or Nuxt, but because of huge number of pages, it wasn't an option.
The objective was to get SEO bots to read rendered page, so I circled out on Rendertron and deployed it's instance and put it in my reverse proxy behind the application. This worked.