ngx-charts line chart, how to show the line chart with dot for the data point all the time

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-08-07 21:07:04


for ngx-charts line chart, it show the line chart, but there is no dot for the data point.

If you hover the data point, it show a dot for the data pint and also with a label tooltip.

I like to have the line chart to show all the data point with a dot all the time like this.

I need your help on how to show a dot at the data point in ngx-charts line chart

Here is the sample for ngx-chart

Here is the source code for ngx-chart libary .



if anyone still needs this feature I workaround this feature with a non-super clean solution but it works with no side effect so far :

custom service to draw the points over liner chart:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
export class CustomLinerChartService {
     * custom: override SVG to have the dots display all the time over the liner chart
     * since it's not supported anymore from ngx chart

    showDots(chart) {
        let index = 0;
        const paths = chart.chartElement.nativeElement.getElementsByClassName(
        const color = chart.chartElement.nativeElement.getElementsByClassName(

        for (let path of paths) {
            const chrtColor = color[index].getAttribute('ng-reflect-fill');
            const pathElement = path.getElementsByTagName('path')[0];
            const pathAttributes = {
                'marker-start': `url(#dot${index})`,
                'marker-mid': `url(#dot${index})`,
                'marker-end': `url(#dot${index})`
            this.createMarker(chart, chrtColor, index);
            this.setAttributes(pathElement, pathAttributes);
            index += 1;

     * create marker

    createMarker(chart, color, index) {
        const svg = chart.chartElement.nativeElement.getElementsByTagName('svg');
        var marker = document.createElementNS(
        var circle = document.createElementNS(
        const m = svg[0].getElementsByTagName('marker')[0];
        const c = svg[0].getElementsByTagName('circle')[0];

        const markerAttributes = {
            id: `dot${index}`,
            viewBox: '0 0 10 10',
            refX: 5,
            refY: 5,
            markerWidth: 5,
            markerHeight: 5

        const circleAttributes = {
            cx: 5,
            cy: 5,
            r: 5,
            fill: color

        this.setAttributes(m, markerAttributes);
        this.setAttributes(c, circleAttributes);

     * set multiple attributes
    setAttributes(element, attributes) {
        for (const key in attributes) {
            element.setAttribute(key, attributes[key]);

and after your view init and the data is set to the chart call :

@ViewChild('chart') chart: any;

ngAfterViewInit() {

make sure to have the reference on your chart :

<ngx-charts-line-chart #chart>


you can't rely on ng-reflect-fill class since it just added in development mood so insted provide your colors as array and chose it based on index for example

