pexpo | pexpo.exe [-i interval] [-t timeout] [-f ping-list] [-A] [-H] [-S] [-V]
Examples: ./pexpo -i 500ms -t 1s -f /usr/local/ping-list.txt pexpo.exe -i 500ms -t 1s -f C:\Users\arale\Desktop\ping-list.txt
Option: -i Sending ICMP interval time(Default:500ms, should not be lower this). You must not use "200" or "1" or..., must use "200ms" or "1s" or ... , so use with time's unit.
-t Sending ICMP timeout time(Default:3s)
You must not use "200" or "1" or..., must use "200ms" or "1s" or ... , so use with time's unit.
this "timeout" is Exact meaning, fastping.NewPinger() receives OnRecv struct value interval.
-f Using Filepath of ping-list(Default:current_dir/ping-list.txt).
-A If you want to write on ping-list -- such as Cisco's show ip arp -- ,
"Internet 0 ca01.18cc.0038 ARPA Ethernet2/0",
Ignoring string "Internet", So It is good as you copy&paste show ip arp line.
-V if you DON'T want to make file "ping-list", should use this option.
this option is run "vi", and make tmpfile...pexpo this file as ping-list.
<HTTP mode options!>
Examples: ./pexpo -H -i 500ms -t 1s -f /usr/local/curl-list.txt pexpo.exe -S -i 500ms -t 1s -f C:\Users\arale\Desktop\curl-list.txt (If you want to "Request, http and https", Using Both -H & -S.)
Option: -H This optison is like "curl". So you Sending HTTP(:80) GET Request instead of the PING...!
-S This optison is like "curl". So you Sending HTTP"S"(:443) GET Request instead of the PING...!
-H or -S options HTTP/HTTPS GET Request instead of the PING.
(Just like, curl -LIs -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}\n')
This Request is ververy simple GET Request, Only Getting status code(No header, No form, No getting data.)
And, if http status code is "200", string color is Blue, else Red.