I am new to A-Frame and still trying to figure everything out! I'm currently constructing a 3D space and would like to create a guided experience for visitors by providing dots on the floor for them to click and be transported to that position. I found this code online which is perfect but I can't get it to work. Here is the link to my project on Glitch: https://glitch.com/~museum-exhibit-demo
This is the code for my camera:
<a-entity position="1.8 -1.1 3" rotation="0 90 0" id="pov">
<a-camera universal-controls="movementControls: checkpoint" checkpoint-controls="mode: animate">
<a-entity cursor position="0 0 -1" geometry="primitive: ring; radiusInner: 0.01; radiusOuter: 0.015;" material="color: #CCC; shader: flat;"> </a-entity>
And this is the code for the cylinder:
<a-cylinder checkpoint radius="0.1.5" height="0.01" position="-0.164 0.111 2.363" color="#39BB82"></a-cylinder>
Can anyone spot where I'm going wrong?
This won't answer the question, but should solve your problem.
You can substitute the checkpoint-controls with a simple animation system:
- you click on a cylinder
- you animate the camera from the current position to the cylinder
Which could be implemented like this:
// use a system to keep a global track if we are already moving
AFRAME.registerSystem('goto', {
init: function() {
this.isMoving = false
// this component will have the actual logic
AFRAME.registerComponent('goto', {
init: function() {
let camRig = document.querySelector('#rig')
// upon click - move the camera
this.el.addEventListener('click', e => {
// check if we are already moving
if (this.system.isMoving) return;
// lock other attempts to move
this.system.isMoving = true
// grab the positions
let targetPos = this.el.getAttribute("position")
let rigPos = camRig.getAttribute("position")
// set the animation attributes.
camRig.setAttribute("animation", {
"from": rigPos,
"to": AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify({x: targetPos.x, y: rigPos.y, z: targetPos.z}),
"dur": targetPos.distanceTo(rigPos) * 750
// when the animation is finished - update the "shared" variable
camRig.addEventListener('animationcomplete', e=> {
this.system.isMoving = false
with a setup like this:
<!-- Camera with locked movement --/>
<a-entity id="rig" animation="property: position; startEvents: go">
<a-camera look-controls wasd-controls-enabled="false"></a-camera>
<!-- Cylinder node --/>
<a-cylinder goto></a-cylinder>
You can see it working in this glitch.