Comparing values of a certain row with a certain number of previous rows in data.table

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-08-05 10:11:46


This is an extension of this question asked before.

In a database containing firm and category values, I want to calculate this: If a firm enters into a new category that it has not been previously engaged in Three(3) previous years (not including the same year), then that entry is labeld as "NEW", otherwise it will be labeld as "OLD".

In the following dataset:

df <- data.table(year=c(1979,1979,1980,1980,1981,1981,1982,1983,1983,1984,1984),
                 category = c("A","A","B","C","A","D","F","F","C","A","B"))

The desired outcome would be:

 year category Newness
 1: 1979        A     NEW
 2: 1979        A     NEW
 3: 1980        B     NEW
 4: 1980        C     NEW
 5: 1981        A     NEW
 6: 1981        D     NEW
 7: 1982        F     NEW
 8: 1983        F     OLD
 9: 1983        C     OLD
10: 1984        A     OLD
11: 1984        B     NEW

Many thanks in advance.


Here are some options.

1) Using non-equi self join with mult

df[, yrsago := year - 3L]
df[, Newness := 
    c("OLD", "NEW")[1L + df[df, on=.(category, year>=yrsago, year<year), mult="first",]]

2) Using non-equi self join with by=.EACHI:

df[, yrsago := year - 3L]
df[, Newness2 := 
    c("OLD", "NEW")[1L + df[df, on=.(category, year>=yrsago, year<year), by=.EACHI, .N==0L]$V1]

3) Using a rolling join which should be the fastest

df[, q := year - 0.1]
df[, Newness3 := 
    df[df, on=.(category, year=q), roll=3L, fifelse(, "NEW", "OLD")]


    year category yrsago Newness Newness2      q Newness3
 1: 1979        A   1976     NEW      NEW 1978.9      NEW
 2: 1979        A   1976     NEW      NEW 1978.9      NEW
 3: 1980        B   1977     NEW      NEW 1979.9      NEW
 4: 1980        C   1977     NEW      NEW 1979.9      NEW
 5: 1981        A   1978     OLD      OLD 1980.9      OLD
 6: 1981        D   1978     NEW      NEW 1980.9      NEW
 7: 1982        F   1979     NEW      NEW 1981.9      NEW
 8: 1983        F   1980     OLD      OLD 1982.9      OLD
 9: 1983        C   1980     OLD      OLD 1982.9      OLD
10: 1984        A   1981     OLD      OLD 1983.9      OLD
11: 1984        B   1981     NEW      NEW 1983.9      NEW


df <- data.table(year=c(1979,1979,1980,1980,1981,1981,1982,1983,1983,1984,1984),
    category = c("A","A","B","C","A","D","F","F","C","A","B"))


Using mapply :

df$Newness <- c('NEW', 'OLD')[mapply(function(x, y) any(y == df$category
                [df$year < x & df$year >= (x - 3)]), df$year, df$category) + 1]

#    year category Newness
# 1: 1979        A     NEW
# 2: 1979        A     NEW
# 3: 1980        B     NEW
# 4: 1980        C     NEW
# 5: 1980        A     OLD
# 6: 1981        D     NEW
# 7: 1981        F     NEW
# 8: 1982        F     OLD
# 9: 1982        C     OLD
#10: 1982        A     OLD
#11: 1982        B     OLD


This is not an answer, but just posting the time benchmark for the solutions offered, applied on a portion of the patent database I'm working on:

> df[, yrsago := year - 3L]
> df[, q := year - 0.1]
> tbench <- bench::mark(time_unit="s",
+                     sol_1 = df[, Newness := c('NEW', 'OLD')[mapply(function(x, y) any(y == df$category[df$year < x & df$year >= (x - 3)]), df$year, df$category) + 1]],
+                    sol_2 = 
+                      df[, Newness := c("OLD", "NEW")[1L + df[df, on=.(category, year>=yrsago, year<year), mult="first",
+                                                    ]]],
+                    sol_3 = df[, Newness2 := c("OLD", "NEW")[1L + df[df, on=.(category, year>=yrsago, year<year),
+                                                                     by=.EACHI, .N==0L]$V1]],
+                    sol_4 = 
+                      df[, Newness3 := df[df, on=.(category, year=q), roll=3L, fifelse(, "NEW", "OLD")]],
+                    min_time = 1
+ )
> tbench
# A tibble: 4 x 13
  expression     min  median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc total_time result       memory      time    gc     
  <bch:expr>   <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl> <int> <dbl>      <dbl> <list>       <list>      <list>  <list> 
1 sol_1      0.144   0.192        5.53     321MB     1.11     5     1      0.905 <data.table~ <Rprofmem[~ <bch:t~ <tibbl~
2 sol_2      0.00611 0.00629    159.       406KB     1.09   146     1      0.921 <data.table~ <Rprofmem[~ <bch:t~ <tibbl~
3 sol_3      0.00632 0.00647    154.       406KB     1.07   144     1      0.936 <data.table~ <Rprofmem[~ <bch:t~ <tibbl~
4 sol_4      0.00405 0.00416    238.       393KB     0      238     0      1.00  <data.table~ <Rprofmem[~ <bch:t~ <tibbl~

Thanks all for your help.

