Reactive Form Submit invoke asynchronously and on new value from observable, proceed further

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-07-23 06:51:52


I have this reactive form onSubmit method invoked on ngOnSubmit, which is called syncronously. I have some valueChanges events implemented asynchronously as shown below:

  • I get the selectedcount based on selected ids need to display as the user selects
  • The select checkboxlist is inside an accordion, so on closing of the accordion, I emit an observable collapsed$
  • this.value1$ emits on closing accordion. so other dropdowns can be filtered based on this value once the sample(collapsed$) is received.

This works fine.

However, if I submit the form without closing the accordion, then the other dropdown selections values are not refreshed.

this.value1$ = this.value1.valueChanges
        switchMap((val) => {
            return this.getSelectedIds$(val, name, ); //retrieves ids from data array

I saw an example using the async validators on form submit, using formSubmitSubject$. I want to do something similar, but it does not work correctly. I use an isFiltered$ observable to emit inside tap of valueChanges.

Any solution is fine, async or sync submit of form.

Below is my code and I don't have the time to put together a StackBlitz. Can someone pls point out what is the correct way to do this? Help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks a lot in advance.

this.value1$.subscribe(val => {
    this.updateFormArray(...) // this is async method returns promise
        .then(y => this.isFiltered$ = of('READY')) //this does not consistently fires

//then doing submit as shown below
formSubmitSubject: Subject<boolean> = new Subject();

        tap(() =>, //invoking the accordion collapse
        switchMap(() =>
                filter(status => status !== 'READY')
        filter(status => status === 'READY')
    .subscribe(val => this.processSubmit());

