I have installed:
Qt 5.14.1 for msvc 2017 & Android installed to c:\Qt\Qt5.14.1\
Compilers available in Qt Creator:
Kits available:
JDK-13.0.2 installed to c:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13.0.2
Android Studio 3.6.1 g:\Android\Android Studio\
with SDKs installed to g:\Android\SDK
as shown below:
SDK tools:
Now what I see in Qt Creator:
How can I fix these errors? Why did they arise?
Edit: I've installed JDK 8 instead of 13. But still have the same red crosses.
Also in the topic 'Platform SDK installed' red X Adding Android SDK Tools in Qt Creator says that SDK 25.2.5 has to be installed, but how can I install SDK 25.2.5 ? Android Studio doesn't have this version available in the System Settings.
Edit 2: I've downloaded the archive "Android SDK Tools 25.2.5" from the link https://androidsdkmanager.azurewebsites.net/SDKTools . As I understand, this archive contains "SDK tools 25.2.5" + "some Android package manager". Then I:
- Unpack the archive to the folder
. What the folder actually contains:
ant\ apps\ bin\ lib\ lib64\ proguard\ qemu\ support\ templates\ android.bat ddms.bat draw9patch.bat hierarchyviewer.bat jobb.bat lint.bat monitor.bat monkeyrunner.bat traceview.bat uiautomatorviewer.bat emulator.exe emulator-arm.exe emulator-check.exe emulator-crash-service.exe emulator-mips.exe emulator-x86.exe emulator64-crash-service.exe mksdcard.exe source.properties NOTICE.txt package.xml
- Run android.bat from the folder and in the window that appears, I see that now I have SDK 25.2.5 installed:
And in Qt Creator Android Settings are almost ok now:
You can check these links that may help you. Although, its looks like the problem is the JDK version, you should test with JDK 8, instead the latest release.
- https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Android_known_issues
- https://forum.qt.io/topic/90310/platform-sdk-installed-red-x-adding-android-sdk-tools-in-qt-creator/20