I'm using the image gcr.io/google-containers/fluentd-elasticsearch (v2.3.1) in order to make fluentd collect some logs and send them to Elastic search. I'm using the below configuration for fluentd:
type forward
port {{.Values.fluentd.forward.port}}
<filter kube.**>
@type parser
@log_level debug
key_name log
reserve_data true
remove_key_name_field true
@type json
time_key time
time_type string
time_format %iso8601
<filter kube.**>
@type record_transformer
@log_level debug
kubernetes ${record["kubernetes"]["cluster_name"] = "{{.Values.clusterName}}"; record["kubernetes"] }
logtrail {"host": "${record['kubernetes']['pod_name']}", "program":"${record['kubernetes']['container_name']}"}
<filter kube.**>
@type concat
key log
stream_identity_key kubernetes["docker_id"]
multiline_end_regexp /\n$/
separator ""
The above listed configuration was supposed to parse the JSON that is associated with a key called log. But I'm seeing that the JSON is not getting parsed at all. Below is the JSON that I'm getting after fluentd does the filtering. I had expected that the JSON associated with the key log would be parsed.
{"kubernetes":{"pod_name":"api-dummy-dummy-vcpqr","namespace_name":"dummy","pod_id":"dummy","labels":{"name":"api-dummy","pod-template-hash":"dummy","tier":"dummy"},"host":"dummy","container_name":"api-dummy","docker_id":"dummy","cluster_name":"dummy Dev"},"log":"{\"name\":\"dummy\",\"json\":false,\"hostname\":\"api-dummy-dummy-vcpqr\",\"pid\":24,\"component\":\"dummy\",\"level\":30,\"version\":\"1.0\",\"timestamp\":1539645856126}","stream":"stdout","logtrail":{"host":"api-dummy-dummy-vcpqr","program":"api-dummy"}}
I have spent more than 3 days figuring out the solution for this. I even tried to use https://github.com/edsiper/fluent-plugin-docker but that did not help. Although the plugin helped to parse the JSON, it resulted in the parsed log messages getting rejected by my Elastic search.
Your log field is not valid JSON.
"kubernetes": {
"pod_name": "api-dummy-dummy-vcpqr",
"namespace_name": "dummy",
"pod_id": "dummy",
"labels": {
"name": "api-dummy",
"pod-template-hash": "dummy",
"tier": "dummy"
"host": "dummy",
"container_name": "api-dummy",
"docker_id": "dummy",
"cluster_name": "dummy Dev"
"log": "{\"name\":\"dummy\",\"json\":false,\"hostname\":\"api-dummy-dummy-vcpqr\",\"pid\":24,\"component\":\"dummy\",\"level\":30,\"version\":\"1.0\",\"timestamp\":1539645856126",
"stream": "stdout",
"logtrail": {
"host": "api-dummy-dummy-vcpqr",
"program": "api-dummy"
You should concatenate log field before parse as JSON.