How to get column names in camelcase in Oracle SQL developer

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-07-09 12:06:48


I am trying to run few queries on Oracle SQL developer e.g

Select name AS CandidateName, age AS CandidateAge
from tbl_candidate_details
order by candidate_id desc

But In the result I am getting the column names as "CANDIDATENAME" AND "CANDIDATEAGE".

Is there a way where I can get this as camelcase characters what I have given in the select statement("CandidateName" and "CandidateAge") ?


If the column aliases are wrapped in double-quotes, SQL Developer will use those exact values as the column names in the query results:

SELECT name AS "CandidateName", age AS "CandidateAge"
FROM tbl_candidate_details
ORDER BY candidate_id DESC;

Otherwise, the column names in the query results are always displayed in upper case


SQL is case insensitive and the SQL standard requires to fold all un-quoted identifiers to uppercase. If you want to preserve the case of your identifiers you need to quote them:

Select name AS "CandidateName", 
       age AS "CandidateAge"
from tbl_candidate_details
order by candidate_id desc

