Good afternoon,
How would you go about converting to a decimal string a binary string with more characters than bits in a language's largest integer type? In other words, supposing that you have the string
and that you can't convert it to an integer first, how would you go about writing it in base 10?
Thank you very much.
You can use an algorithm like:
// X is the input
while ( X != "0" )
compute X' and R such that X = 10 * X' + R (Euclidean division, see below)
output R // least significant decimal digit first
X = X'
The Euclidean division of X by 10 is computed like this:
R = 0 // remainder in 0..9
X' = ""
for (b in bits of X) // msb to lsb
R = 2*R + b
if R >= 10
X' += "1"
R -= 10
X' += "0"
Remove leading "0" from X'
The remainder is R in 0..9
10 is not a power of 2, thus a digit at any place of a binary representation may affect the least significant digit in the decimal representation. You have to store the entire decimal representation to transform the bit string.
If you can't find a long decimal data class / library for your language, you can construct it yourself, it's not hard. Just store enough decimal digits, e.g. as a list, and do the math. You only need addition for this task, so it's extra easy to implement.
I'd use an arbitrary precision numeric (bignum) library, like GMP.
GMP has a "gmp_scanf" function that does just what you are asking for.
Write your own arithmetic in base 10. Only addition is needed. Example implementation in Python:
from math import log, ceil
def add(a, b):
"""Add b to a in decimal representation."""
carry = 0
for i in range(len(b)):
carry, a[i] = divmod(a[i] + b[i] + carry, 10)
while carry:
i += 1
carry, a[i] = divmod(a[i] + carry, 10)
# an example string
s = bin(3 ** 120)[2:]
# reserve enough decimal digits
res = [0] * int(ceil(len(s) * log(2) / log(10)))
# convert
for c in s:
add(res, res)
if c == "1":
add(res, [1])
#print output
print str.join("", map(str, reversed(res)))
This uses lists of intergers to represent numbers in base 10. The list items correspond to the digits of the base 10 number. The item at index 0 corresponds to the ones, the item at index 1 to the tens, and so on.
Assuming that you do not have an arbitrary precision math package at your disposal, but you do have a set of basic string manipulation routines, you could do the following:
Construct a list of powers of 2 then deconstruct the binary string in reverse order one bit at a time by adding in the appropriate power of 2 for every '1' bit in the string.
The only arbitrary precision arithmetic function you need to do this is addition, and this is fairly easy to implement using long-hand arithmetic.
Suppose you did implement an arbitrary arithmetic add function called:
taking 2 strings containing decimal numbers as input and returning the decimal sum
as a string. Something like:
SumString = ADD(DecimalString1, DecimalString2)
is a string of decimal digits representing the sum of DecimalString1
and DecimalString2
Step1: Construct a powers of 2 list as follows:
BitString is string /* String of '1' and '0' values... */
BitString = '111001101001110100100(...)1001001111011100100' /* or whatever... */
PowerOf2 is array of string /* Array of strings containing powers of 2 */
PowerOf2[1] = '1' /* 2**0 to get things started... */
/* Build as many powers of 2 as there are 'bits' in the input string */
for i from 2 to length(BitString) by +1
PowerOf2[i] = ADD(PowerOf2[i-1], PowerOf2[i-1])
Note: Above assumes arrays/strings are 1 based (as opposed to zero based).
Step 2: Deconstruct the BitString accumulating the sum as you go:
DecimalValue is string /* Decimal value of BitString */
BitString is string /* Your input set of bits as a string... */
ReverseBitString is string /* Reversed input */
DecimalValue = '' /* Result */
BitString = '111001101001110100100(...)1001001111011100100' /* or whatever... */
ReverseBitString = reverse(BitString) /* Reverse so we process lsb to msb */
for i from 1 to length(ReverseBitString) by +1
if substr(ReverseBitString, i, 1) == '1' then /* Bit at position i */
DecimalValue = ADD(DecimalValue, PowerOf2[i])
if DecimalValue = '' then DecimalValue = '0' /* bit string was all zero */
Display DecimalValue /* This is the result */
How to build an arbitrary precision ADD
function? It goes something like:
function ADD (DecVal1 is string, DecVal2 is string) return string
SumVal is string
Rev1 is string
Rev2 is string
DigitSum is integer
CarryDigit is integer
SumVal = '' /* Result so far... */
Rev1 = reverse(DecVal1) /* Reverse digit order */
Rev2 = reverse(DecVal2) /* Reverse digit order */
/* Pad shorter reversed sting with trailing zeros... */
if length(Rev1) > length(Rev2) then
Rev2 = concat(Rev2, copies(length(Rev1) - length(Rev2), '0')
Rev1 = concat(Rev1, copies(length(Rev2) - length(Rev1), '0')
/* Sum by digit position, least to most significant */
CarryDigit = 0
for i from 1 to length(Rev1) by + 1
DigitSum = CtoI(substr(Rev1, i, 1)) + CtoI(substr(Rev2, i, 1)) + CarryDigit
if DigitSum > 9 then
DigitSum = DigitSum - 10
CarryDigit = 1
CarryDigit = 0
SumVal = concat(ItoC(DigitSum), SumVal)
if CarryDigit > 0 then
SumVal = concat(ItoC(CarryDigit), SumVal)
return SumVal
Assumed built in string functions:
- reverse(String): Returns the string in reverse order
- length(String): Returns length of a given string
- concat(String, String): Returns concatenation of two strings
- substr(String, start, length): Returns substring of string from start for length characters (1 based)
- CtoI(String): Returns decimal integer value of given character (eg. '1' = 1, '2' = 2, ...)
- ItoC(Integer): Returns decimal character representation of integer (eg. 1 = '1', 2 = '2', ...)
- copies(count, string): Returns count concatinated copies of string