Defining structure with wide character pointer field in Inno Setup Unicode

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-06-29 13:15:29


Some external libraries, notably Windows API, use structure types with some fields being a pointer to a character array.

Inno Setup Unicode does not have PChar (PWideChar) type. How do I define a structure, that uses fields of wide character array pointer type?

For example how do I define SHFILEOPSTRUCT structure?

  TSHFileOpStruct = record
    hwnd: HWND;
    wFunc: UINT;
    pFrom: { what type? }
    pTo: { what type? }
    fFlags: Word;
    fAnyOperationsAborted: BOOL; 
    hNameMappings: HWND;
    lpszProgressTitle: { what type? }


Use string type. In Inno Setup Unicode Pascal Script the string type is automatically marshaled to PWideChar-like type in some contexts:

  • In record definitions (what the question is about).
  • In argument and return-type declarations of external functions.

So the definition of SHFILEOPSTRUCT structure is:

  TSHFileOpStruct = record
    hwnd: HWND;
    wFunc: UINT;
    pFrom: string;
    pTo: string;
    fFlags: Word;
    fAnyOperationsAborted: BOOL; 
    hNameMappings: HWND;
    lpszProgressTitle: string;

For a use, see Inno Setup invoke or replicate native Windows file copy operation.

In all (?) other contexts, the string keeps its unique intrinsic function from Pascal language.

