I have a site with Drupal 8 and I want to create a task counter with TWIG.
I use views with conditions. The counter must be incremented whether the view has a result or not.
Here is the code I just made :
<span class="badge badge-warning task-badge-warning">
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_produit_non_publie', 'block_1') is not empty %}
{% endif %}
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_role_marchand', 'block_1') is empty %}
{% endif %}
<span class="badge badge-danger task-badge-danger">
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_aucun_produit', 'block_1') is empty %}
{% endif %}
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_aucune_variation', 'block_1') is not empty %}
{% endif %}
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_commande', 'block_1') is not empty %}
{% endif %}
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_mode_de_livraison', 'block_1') is empty %}
{% endif %}
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_passerelle_de_paiement', 'block_1') is empty %}
{% endif %}
There are 2 counters :
- a "Warning" badge
- a "Danger" badge
Do you know a solution to do this ?
- The "Warning" badge must display the total number of "Warning" tasks.
- The "Danger" badge must display the total number of "Danger" tasks.
You can set variables and then increment them:
{% set warnings = 0 %}
<span class="badge badge-warning task-badge-warning">
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_produit_non_publie', 'block_1') is not empty %}
{% set warnings = warnings + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_role_marchand', 'block_1') is empty %}
{% set warnings = warnings + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{{ warnings }}
{% set dangers = 0 %}
<span class="badge badge-danger task-badge-danger">
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_aucun_produit', 'block_1') is empty %}
{% set dangers = dangers + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_aucune_variation', 'block_1') is not empty %}
{% set dangers = dangers + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_commande', 'block_1') is not empty %}
{% set dangers = dangers + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_mode_de_livraison', 'block_1') is empty %}
{% set dangers = dangers + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if drupal_view_result('boutique_page_liste_des_taches_passerelle_de_paiement', 'block_1') is empty %}
{% set dangers = dangers + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{{ dangers }}