Management API error: persistentPreferredActivities 4

心已入冬 提交于 2020-06-28 06:32:09


I am building an Android KIOSK app, and I try to enable kiosk mode with Android Management API by providing a device policy.

My policy json is:

        "keyguardDisabled": true,
        "applications": [
                  "packageName": "",
                  "installType": "KIOSK",
                  "defaultPermissionPolicy": "GRANT"

What's interesting, the policy is from official API's example, so I suppose that works. Whatever, always get this error:

Error info persistentPreferredActivities 4

And just a google search does not give me any clue how to resolve this.

When I set installType as KIOSK, I always got this error. My clue was that my policy lacks of PersistentPreferredActivity json block. I've added it, and I still got this error. What's interesting, there's a note: "Note: To set up a kiosk, use InstallType to KIOSK rather than use persistent preferred activities." So we do not need PersistentPreferredActivity. But I do not understand the error then.

Moving on. I've tried to make kiosk mode by setting kioskCustomLauncherEnabled to true. I set "installType": "AVAILABLE", so I can run the app from Android Studio. I applied the policy on a device successfully. When I try to open my app's Kiosk Activity I have "App is not device owner" Toast.

Basically, what I need is probably lockTaskAllowed modifier, but it's deprecated.

Could somebody help me to make the device policy for KIOSK app, please?


Take note that KIOSK mode only works on fully managed devices. For a device to be fully managed, it must be provisioned from a setup wizard by using QR code containing an enrollment token or by other supported enrollment methods.

To be able to use the app in a policy, it must be available in Google Play. It should either be a public app or a private app that is made available to the enterprise (ID) you are managing with the Android Management API.

Here's the difference between "installType": "KIOSK" and kioskCustomLauncherEnabled:

"installType": "KIOSK" is used to pin a single app to the screen

policy_json = '''
  "applications": [
    "packageName": "",
    "installType": "KIOSK",
    "defaultPermissionPolicy": "GRANT"
  "debuggingFeaturesAllowed": true

Now, if you want to use a set of apps in KIOSK mode you can use kioskCustomLauncherEnabled

policy_json = '''
  "applications": [
    "packageName": "",
    "installType": "FORCE_INSTALLED",
    "defaultPermissionPolicy": "GRANT"
    "packageName": "",
    "installType": "FORCE_INSTALLED",
    "defaultPermissionPolicy": "GRANT"
  "debuggingFeaturesAllowed": true,
  "kioskCustomLauncherEnabled": true,
  "keyguardDisabled": true


FWIW, I had encountered the same Error info persistentPreferredActivities 4 error and I had solved my error by adding <category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME"/> and <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> for my MainActivity

And my AndroidManifest.xml looks something like this now:

        <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME"/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>

(Disclaimer: Hope this can help eliminating the error but I am quite new to Android development works so this might not be able to solve every problems)

