EPPlus : date column returning int rather than the actual displayed text value

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-06-27 23:09:25


I am using EPPlus to read excel data. I need to display the excel cells as-is in the grid to the users.

while reading date column EPPlus is giving the OADate int value for the date.

Is there a way I can read the value as string, which users normally see when they open the excel. i.e. the value after applying the excel formats.

There does not seem to be any function on the CELL class which provides valueAsString or valueAsDisplayed, etc...


If the dates are stored in excel as doubles (or a whole number if there is no time component) with formatting applied, which would be the "correct" way, you have recreate the date in code and reapply the date format applied in Excel. The only wrinkle is excel's formatting is slightly different then .net especially when it comes to case sensitivity so you should put a check in there to make sure MMM is not mmm (which would give you minutes in .net). So something like this works:

public void OADate_Test()
    var existingFile = new FileInfo(@"c:\temp\temp.xlsx");
    if (existingFile.Exists)

    using (var package = new ExcelPackage(existingFile))
        //.NET is case sensive so MMM must be capital but Excel might not be
        const string FORMATDATE = "dd-MMM-yyyy";
        var mydate = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1);
        var datedouble = mydate.ToOADate();

        var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Newsheet");

        worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "As Date";

        worksheet.Cells["A2"].Value = datedouble;
        worksheet.Cells["A2"].Style.Numberformat.Format = FORMATDATE;


    using (var package = new ExcelPackage(existingFile))
        var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets["Newsheet"];

        worksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = "As String";

        var datedouble = (double) worksheet.Cells["A2"].Value;
        worksheet.Cells["B2"].Value = DateTime.FromOADate(datedouble).ToString(worksheet.Cells["A2"].Style.Numberformat.Format);




I also found a less complex method. If you change the 'NumberFormatLocal' instead of 'NumberFormat' property to "dd/mm/yyyy" they will import as dates instead of numbers.


Sub ChangeExcelColumnFormat()

    Dim ExcelApp As Excel.Application
    Dim ExcelWB As Excel.Workbook
    Dim ExcelWS As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim formatRange As Excel.Range

    Dim strFile As String = "C:\Test.xlsx"
    Dim strSheetname As String = "Sheet1"

    ExcelApp = New Excel.Application
    ExcelWB = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(strFile)

        strColSelect = "A:A"
        strFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"

        formatRange = ExcelWS.Range(strColSelect)
        formatRange.NumberFormatLocal = strFormat


    ExcelWS = Nothing
    ExcelWB = Nothing
    ExcelApp = Nothing

End Sub

