I recently started learning Vim and before I go deeper I have a question I need answered.
Using a AZERTY keyboard, should I remap the keys for the commands and shortcuts to fit the position of the keys of a QWERTY keyboard?
I am asking this because obviously quite a lot of thinking must have being put creating thoses commands, and when I see how far the '$' is on a AZERTY keyboard compared to the QWERTY one for example I can't help but think it might feel wrong at some point.
Here is the AZERTY layout: http://www.nathael.org/Data/vi-vim-cheat-sheet.svg
I don't even know if it will be possible to remap the way I would need, basically only remapping for command input, so I need so opinions from the 'pros' and/or azerty users.
I also use an azerty keyboard, and I didn't remap the keys in order to fit the qwerty keyboard.
But I take profit of the very easy accessibility of some unused chars, like é
, è
, à
, ç
(all the accentuated characters) and have some maps like this:
noremap à @
noremap ç @@
noremap § \
(The last one is so useful that I remapped it outside of Vim, on my linux system-wide keyboard configuration)
But I think that remapping all keys to fit the qwerty keyboard is more a source of confusion, than a good solution.
My current remapping for AZERTY in ~/.vimrc
" 1. Move to the end of the line
noremap m $
" 2. Search backward for the word under the cursor
noremap µ #
" 3. Navigate to the help tag under the cursor
noremap ' <C-]>
Further explanations:
- I don't use marks, so decided to remap
in normal mode. This is practical since them
key is just after the movement keyshjkl
on the AZERTY keyboard. µ
is on the same key as*
which searches forward for the word under the cursor. This is a logical choice, similar ton
for forward and backward searches.- The key
is actually the result of pressingCTRL-ù
in the terminal. This key is next tom
on the keyboard. Its use for tag navigation was inspired by two questions here how do i type CTRL ] on a QUERTZ keyboard and on vi.stackexchange tag navigation using CTRL ] does not work.
In addition, I mapped caps lock to escape at a system level (how to do it in debian). I'm not a really experienced vim user so these mappings are likely to change.