I am trying to parse a specific nested object (Sign_UP_Appointment) from the results of a webhook using code by Zapier
Webhook Results
"OPPORTUNITY_NAME":"Scott Williams ",
"FIELD_VALUE":"Summary Administration"
I want to return only the Custom Field (Sign_Up_Appointment__c). I tried the code below but the issue is on subsequent results the order changes. Is there way to filter out only the Sign_Up_Appointment__c object?
const result = JSON.parse(inputData.body);
return {result: result, SignUpDate: result.entity.CUSTOMFIELDS[3]};
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
Yep! You can use Array.find:
const result = JSON.parse(inputData.body);
return {
SignUpDate: result.entity.CUSTOMFIELDS.find(
f => f.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID === "Sign_Up_Appointment__c"
will be undefined
if there's not a field with that field_id
in the array (I'm not sure how likely this is)