First, SQL version:
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (RTM) - 13.0.1601.5 (X64) Apr 29 2016 23:23:58 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 6.3 (Build 9600: ) (Hypervisor)
I declare a single closed polygon (correctly oriented using left-hand rule), which according to SQL is valid:
DECLARE @g geography;
SET @g = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((-141.251221 60.177476, -134.351807 52.952478, -124.859620 48.440718, -123.623658 48.163009, -123.132020 48.232578, -122.906113 48.998367, -95.169068 48.966372, -94.980927 49.021337, -94.627991 48.700606, -93.907013 48.594450, -93.845215 48.495351, -93.510132 48.517642, -93.197022 48.583549, -92.743836 48.507408, -92.422486 48.211991, -91.573792 48.021520, -90.973664 48.095065, -90.146256 48.021693, -89.428711 47.911409, -88.442688 48.232120, -84.935303 46.850463, -84.819947 46.614678, -84.531556 46.397991, -84.200593 46.493917, -84.117508 46.124608, -83.620034 45.782175, -82.591267 45.290317, -82.166749 43.592965, -82.661133 42.606311, -82.886353 42.391659, -83.097840 42.332805, -83.187104 42.071357, -83.135605 41.842088, -82.865410 41.657411, -82.463379 41.587347, -81.068116 42.119252, -80.049134 42.334835, -78.887330 42.783953, -78.868104 42.953046, -78.995820 43.161758, -79.090577 43.433616, -78.664856 43.557148, -76.766968 43.541223, -76.398926 44.064539, -74.852601 44.971250, -71.471558 44.957647, -70.846711 45.205884, -70.589219 45.379779, -70.207787 45.900179, -69.238587 47.291005, -68.891488 47.116066, -68.297196 47.291936, -67.850361 47.016678, -67.864953 45.667941, -65.966034 43.191802, -49.229737 45.124550, -59.425049 68.026407, -75.421143 74.789051, -73.663331 78.324047, -57.315674 82.569900, -71.378174 83.545629, -112.335206 79.852216, -141.163331 70.394745, -141.251221 60.177476 ))', 4326);
SELECT @g.IsValidDetailed() AS 'IsValidDetailed', @g.STIsClosed() AS 'STIsClosed', @g.EnvelopeAngle() AS 'EnvelopeAngle';
When the above query is executed, SQL responds with:
IsValidDetailed STIsClosed EnvelopeAngle
24400: Valid True 33.0780372828377
For visual verification, I plotted the polygon (via Google maps) and also included 3 points INSIDE the polygon, as well as 3 points OUTSIDE the polygon. Below is a screen snapshot of the polygon and points at a zoom level that shows the full polygon (the red area denotes the "bounds" that enclose the polygon):
Zooming in on the map, you can start to see the individual points, i.e.:
Zooming in further, you can see two of the points are very close to the edge of the polygon, one inside (green), one outside (red):
The following query was used to test for points that are INSIDE the polygon:
SELECT lat, lon,
@g.STContains( geography::Point( lat, lon, 4326 ) ) AS STContains,
geography::Point( lat, lon, 4326 ).STWithin( @g ) AS STWithin
FROM ( VALUES ( 49.119404, -102.988586 ),
( 49.004776, -102.996875 ),
( 48.975416, -103.005152 )
) points( lat, lon )
SQL responds with:
lat lon STContains STWithin
49.119404 -102.988586 False False
49.004776 -102.996875 False False
48.975416 -103.005152 False False
-- Was expecting STContains and STwithin to return "True" for points inside the polygon???
The following query was used to test for the points OUTSIDE of the polygon:
SELECT lat, lon,
@g.STContains( geography::Point( lat, lon, 4326 ) ) AS STContains,
geography::Point( lat, lon, 4326 ).STWithin( @g ) AS STWithin
FROM ( VALUES ( 48.975409, -103.005151 ),
( 48.974153, -103.005144 ),
( 48.951739, -103.005627 )
) points( lat, lon )
SQL responds with:
lat lon STContains STWithin
48.975409 -103.005151 False False
48.974153 -103.005144 False False
48.951739 -103.005627 False False
-- Expected results as all points are OUTSIDE of the polygon.
Why is STContains / STWithin failing for points that are INSIDE the polygon?
I must assume I am doing something wrong, but I have followed the rules (left-hand) for constructing the polygon and SQL indicates the polygon is "valid".
Any advice would be appreciated.
Because in spherical geometry, lines of latitude are not straight lines. Great circle arcs are. The nearest edge of your polygon is -122.906113 48.998367, -95.169068 48.966372
, which is well north of the 49th parallel at -103 longitude.
select geography::STLineFromText('LINESTRING(-122.906113 48.998367, -95.169068 48.966372)', 4326);