I want to send notification mail after vm deploy like below.
My question is :
1 - If DOMAIN field 'Y' then TRUE else will WORKGROUP
2- IF BACKUP IP field 'N' then it will "not defined"
3- Lastly , I have $diskSizes variable. A VM have one or more disks. $diskSizes[0 -> Hard disk 2] , $diskSizes[1 -> Hard disk 3] and so on.
My script:
$VCServer = Read-Host "Enter the vCenter server name"
Import-Csv -Path C:\temp\vmdeploy.csv -UseCulture -PipelineVariable row |
ForEach-Object -Process {
New-Vm .... blah blah
$diskSizes = @()
do {
$diskSize = Read-Host -Prompt "Additional disk (size in GB or 'no' to stop)"
if($diskSize -ne 'no'){
$diskSizes += $diskSize
until($diskSize -eq 'no')
if($diskSizes.Count -gt 0){
$diskSizes | %{
New-HardDisk -VM $row.ServerName -CapacityGB $_ | Out-Null
$Report = [PSCustomObject]@{
'VMName' = $row.ServerName
'OS' = $row.ServerName
'LAN IP' = $row.LANIP
'VMState' = (Get-VM -Name $row.ServerName).summary.runtime.powerState
'TotalCPU' = $row.NumCPU
'Totalmemory' = $row.MemoryGB
'vCenter' = $VCServer
'VMHost' = $row.ESXHOST
Send-MailMessage .....
My CSV File:
ServerName ESXHOST Datastore OSCapacityGB NumCPU MemoryGB NetworkName Second Network Adapter LANIP LANGW BACKUPIP DOMAIN
My desired notification mail :
VMName OS DOMAIN LAN IP BACKUP IP VMState TotalCPU Totalmemory vCenter VMHost Hard disk 2 Hard disk 3
TestVM01 TestVM01 TRUE PoweredON 4 16 50GB not defined
TestVM02 TestVM02 WORKGROUP not defined PoweredON 6 24 60GB 500GB
The tricky part is where you get the disk sizes in GB from Read-Host.
I would probably maximize the number of disks that can be added and ensure the given value the user typed in is in fact an int.
Something like this:
# set a maximum number of disks to add in this demo no more than 10
$maxDisks = 10
$VCServer = Read-Host "Enter the vCenter server name"
$report = Import-Csv -Path C:\temp\vmdeploy.csv -UseCulture -PipelineVariable row | ForEach-Object {
New-Vm .... blah blah
$newVM = [PSCustomObject]@{
'VMName' = $row.ServerName
'OS' = $row.ServerName
'DOMAIN' = if ($row.DOMAIN -eq 'Y') { 'TRUE' } else { 'WORKGROUP' }
'LAN IP' = $row.LANIP
'BACKUP IP' = if ($row.BACKUPIP -eq 'N') { 'not defined' } else { $row.BACKUPIP }
'VMState' = (Get-VM -Name $row.ServerName).summary.runtime.powerState
'TotalCPU' = $row.NumCPU
'Totalmemory' = $row.MemoryGB
'vCenter' = $VCServer
'VMHost' = $row.ESXHOST
# add the harddisk properties to the object, initialize to 'not defined'
for ($i = 1; $i -le $maxDisks; $i++) {
$newVM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Hard disk $i" -Value 'not defined'
# now ask for the disk sizes
$diskNumber = 1
$intSize = 0 # a variable to use in TryParse()
while ($diskNumber -le $maxDisks) {
$diskSize = Read-Host -Prompt "Additional disk (size in GB or 'no' to stop)"
if ($diskSize -eq 'no') { break } # exit the loop
if ([int]::TryParse($diskSize, [ref]$intSize)) {
New-HardDisk -VM $row.ServerName -CapacityGB $intSize -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
# update the value in the $newVM object
$diskItem = "Hard disk $diskNumber" # the property name in the object
$newVM.$diskItem = '{0}GB' -f $intSize
$diskNumber++ # increment the disk number
# output the completed object to be collected in the $report variable
As per your comment you do not want to maximize the number of disks added beforehand, you can change the code to simply keep track of the disks added and afterwards 'fill in the blanks' so you will end up with objects having the same number of properties.
$VCServer = Read-Host "Enter the vCenter server name"
# counter to keep track of the maximum number of disks added
$maxDisks = 0
$report = Import-Csv -Path C:\temp\vmdeploy.csv -UseCulture | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Creating new VM: $($_.ServerName)_" -ForegroundColor Yellow
New-Vm .... blah blah
$newVM = [PSCustomObject]@{
'VMName' = $_.ServerName
'OS' = $_.ServerName
'DOMAIN' = if ($_.DOMAIN -eq 'Y') { 'TRUE' } else { 'WORKGROUP' }
'BACKUP IP' = if ($_.BACKUPIP -eq 'N') { 'not defined' } else { $_.BACKUPIP }
'VMState' = (Get-VM -Name $_.ServerName).summary.runtime.powerState
'TotalCPU' = $_.NumCPU
'Totalmemory' = $_.MemoryGB
'vCenter' = $VCServer
'VMHost' = $_.ESXHOST
# ask for the disk sizes and create new disks
$diskNumber = 0
$intSize = 0 # a variable to use in TryParse()
while ($true) {
$diskSize = Read-Host -Prompt "Additional disk (size in GB or 'no' to stop)"
if ($diskSize -eq 'no') { break } # exit the loop
if ([int]::TryParse($diskSize, [ref]$intSize)) {
New-HardDisk -VM $_.ServerName -CapacityGB $intSize -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
# update the value in the $newVM object
$diskNumber++ # increment the disk number
$diskItem = "Hard disk $diskNumber" # the property name in the object
$newVM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $diskItem -Value ('{0}GB' -f $intSize)
# update the $maxDisks variable
$maxDisks = [Math]::Max($diskNumber, $maxDisks)
# output the completed object to be collected in the $report variable
# Your $report variable now holds a collection of VMs with a variable number of properties.
# To be able to create a decent table out of this, you need to add hardisk properties with value 'not defined' where needed.
foreach ($vm in $report) {
$diskCount = ($vm | Select-Object -Property 'Hard disk*').Count
for ($i = $diskCount; $i -lt $maxDisks; $i++) {
$vm | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Hard disk $($i + 1)" -Value 'not defined'
# output on screen
After this you can send the report via email, either as plain text or HTML table, exactly the same as in your previous question
I think you're asking how to output $Report
as a string for the -body
You can do so like this:
$body = ($Report | Out-String)