What stops malicious users from getting my BRANCH_KEY in my javascript source code

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-06-17 09:36:03


I might be missing something here, but since Branch.IO's Web SDK must run in a browser it exposes my BRANCH_KEY to the user. So what is stopping the user from opening up the source, finding the key and then initializing their own branch and abusing my account by sending SMS messages? Normally if I were worried about exposing an api key I would just handle the api request server side - but Branch.IO doesn't seem to have a Node/Server side SDK to use

EDIT: This is even worse than a malicious user spamming your pre-crafted text messages. I've managed to prove that a malicious user can change the redirect URL links in your text message SOLELY through using the PUBLIC KEY.

