Schedule Push notification on Parse

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-06-17 02:11:13


I was wondering if Schedule Push is available on Parse Server? (I'm using Back4App)

Here is my cloud code:

Parse.Cloud.define("pushMultiple",async (request) => {  
    //Getting Current Date instance
    var d = new Date();
    //Where I live Current Hour is 14, so setting it to 15
    //Sending push to a specific device
    return Parse.Push.send({
            push_time: d,
            channels: [ ""],
            data: {alert: "The Giants won against the Mets 2-3."}   
            },{ useMasterKey: true });

But the code does not seem to be working. The push is sent out immediately.

And if it's not possible, please let me know how I can schedule push using a Cloud Job. A code snippet would be very helpful. Also will the Cloud Job stop running after it has completed sending the push?


According to this document setHours method doesnt add your value to your date but just replace it.

Try this:

var extraTime = 1000*60*60*15; //15 hours
var currentDate = new Date();
//since date object is just number we can add our extra time to our date.
var pushDate = currentDate + extraTime; //push date is 15 hours later than now

return Parse.Push.send({
            push_time: pushDate,
            channels: [ ""],
            data: {alert: "The Giants won against the Mets 2-3."}   
            },{ useMasterKey: true });

Edit: Parse docs says push_time is not supported yet.

Docs can be outdated or if you are using back4app, they may be implemented this feature to their servers.

