I have a very minimal knowledge about VoLTE service in android which is provided by the LTE operator.
Is there any API's are available to detect VoLTE call in android?
The API's such as
- Call Connected
- Call Disconnected
- Latency
- Call Status
Any link/API reference is much appreciated.
have a function to check isVolteAvailable()
. You can call that function to know the status of voLTE.
You can check the source here.. https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/telephony/java/android/telephony/TelephonyManager.java
If you can connect to at port then by using standard at commands, this can be verified.
- at+cops? => this will give information about the current latched cell. check if the mobile is currently on LTE(7) cell.
- make volte call and shoot the at+cops? again. If the call is connected and mobile is still in LTE(7) cell, then its for sure VoLTE call.