How to add SandBox Ad Account to BusinessManager?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-06-09 05:15:06



  • I'm building an Ads-Management application tailored towards both marketing / advertising agencies and individual advertisers (users)
  • To test marketing-api, I have setup a SandBox ad account

The very first thing that I'm testing is creating and uploading of custom audience (CSV file upload) and sharing it across ad accounts owned by different BusinessManagers.

From what I've gathered thus far, creating custom audience has 2 steps

  • Create an empty Custom Audience
  • Add (upload) users to a custom audience

For creating an empty Custom audience I follow using the cURL request from docs

curl -X POST \
  -F 'name="My new Custom Audience"' \
  -F 'subtype="CUSTOM"' \
  -F 'description="People who purchased on my website"' \
  -F 'customer_file_source="USER_PROVIDED_ONLY"' \
  -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/customaudiences

This gives me

    "error": {
        "message": "Permissions error",
        "type": "OAuthException",
        "code": 200,
        "error_subcode": 1870050,
        "is_transient": false,
        "error_user_title": "Business Account Needed to Create/Edit This Audience",
        "error_user_msg": "To create or edit a Custom Audience made from a customer list, your admin needs to add this ad account to a business.",
        "fbtrace_id": "AsMXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-fXXXX"

What have I done already

  • Added my App (Test-App-1) to my BusinessManager (Test-Business-1)

  • Followed this discussion and added a Admin System User (Test-Admin-System-User-1) generated from my BusinessManager to my App

  • Generated access token (with all ads / business related permissions) for my Test-Admin-System-User-1 to use in API calls

  • Click on Connect to Business on my SandBox Ad Account and used Test-Admin-System-User to link it with my Test-Business-1 as told here

Where am I stuck

(in addition to the above mentioned error in API response)

  • Despite having done above mentioned things, the BusinessManager continues to say that my request for adding my sandbox ad-account (as identified by it's account_id) is still pending

  • And when I try to forcibly redo it, it tells me that

    Your business has already sent this request. To follow up on the request, contact the business you're requesting access from.

I must add that I didn't face the issue of having to accept Terms of Service

  • Facebook - custom audience ToS for sandbox account
  • How to create a custom audience using facebook api and sandbox ad account?

In other words

  • I'm not 100% sure if I've accepted terms of service
  • But since the error I get is different, my best guess is that I must've done it at some point of time (can't recall though)

My questions are

  • Immediate question: How can I accept the request for adding my Sandbox ad account to my BusinessManager?
  • Main question(s)
    • where am i going wrong (understanding gap)?
    • How to test uploading and sharing custom audience using Sandbox Ad Account

