I have a dataset with individuals observed over several weeks. Some individuals have no observations in some weeks, and some have several observations during the same week. I need to create a weekly ID(id_week in the code) that would be individual-specific. If an individual have two or more observations in one week, id_week should be the same for both observations. If an individual have no observations in a given week, the observation in a next week should be consuequent from the last observed point. This would result in a following data:
I have tride dt[, id := .GRP, by = .(individ, week)]
but it gives me just ID for weeks, not taken individuals into account. I also tried dplyr solution but it does not account for repeated observations within one week, assigning an ID to every line, which is not what I need.
mutate(pp = row_number(week))
An option using data.table
setDT(dt)[, id_week := rleid(week), individ]
Here are few alternatives :
1) Using dense_rank
dt %>% group_by(individ) %>% mutate(id_week = dense_rank(week))
2) Using match
and unique
dt$id_week <- with(dt, ave(week, individ, FUN = function(x) match(x, unique(x))))
3) Converting to factor
and then integer
setDT(dt)[, id_week := as.integer(factor(week)), individ]