how do i change volume of Clip that is playing in loop?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-06-08 06:18:48


I am wrecking my brain on how to change the volume of a Clip that is already playing in loop mode. The code I currently have is:

Clip c = currentSound.getClip();
FloatControl gainControl = 
    (FloatControl) c.getControl(FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN);


Is my assumption that once the loop starts, the volume cannot be changed, true?


Is my assumption that once the loop starts, the volume cannot be changed, true?

No. A Clip volume can be changed at any time, if it can be changed at all.


As an alternative, if you would like real-time control over Clip volumes, you can make use of AudioCue. It is a small library, and was modeled as closely as I could on the Clip class. The volume control is guaranteed as it is done in Java rather than relying on a FloatControl that relies on the presence of capabilities offered by the OS and hardware, and changes are spread out on a per frame basis rather than changing only on a per-buffer boundaries.

