I'm trying to create a large SQLite database from around 500 smaller databases (each 50-200MB) to put into Django, and would like to speed up this process. I'm doing this via a custom command.
This answer helped me a lot, in reducing the speed to around a minute each in processing a smaller database. However it's still quite a long time.
The one thing I haven't done in that answer is to disable database indexing in Django and re-create them. I think this matters for me as my database has few tables with many rows.
Is there a way to do that in Django when it's running live? If not in Django then perhaps there's some SQLite query to remove all the indexes and re-create them after I insert my records?
I just used raw SQL to remove the indexes and re-create them. This improved the speed of creating a big database from 2 of my small databases from 1:46 to 1:30, so quite significant. It also reduced the size from 341.7MB to 321.1MB.
# Delete all indexes for faster database creation
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute(f'SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name LIKE "{app_label}_%" AND type == "index"')
indexes = cursor.fetchall()
names, create_sqls = zip(*indexes)
for name in names:
cursor.execute(f'DROP INDEX {name}')
After I create the databases re-create the index:
# Re-create indexes
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
for create_sql in create_sqls: