chef policy group setting: Policyfile does not support setting the run_list in json data

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-06-01 05:09:26


I have followed the steps in below article I am getting following error

Unexpected Error: ----------------- Chef::PolicyBuilder::Policyfile::UnsupportedFeature: Policyfile does not support setting the run_list in json data.

here are the steps I followed

include_recipe 'basecookbook::default'

directory 'C:/ProgramData/ChefFiles' do
   inherits true
   action :create 

Updated cooksbooks metadata to specify dependency on base

The policy file is as follows cookbooks/test01/Policyfile.rb Changed the policy file to

name 'test01'
    run_list 'test01::default'
    cookbook 'test01', path: '.'
    cookbook 'basecookbook', path: '../basecookbook'

the policyfile.lock.json file is as follows

"name": "test01",
"run_list": [
"included_policy_locks": [
"cookbook_locks": {
  "test01": {

I pushed the policy to chef and set the node to policy group and policy

chef push test01 .\cookbooks\test01\Policyfile.lock.json
knife node policy set NodeName 'test01' 'test01'

When I run the chef client on the node, I am getting following error

Unexpected Error: Chef::PolicyBuilder::Policyfile::UnsupportedFeature: Policyfile does not support setting the run_list in json data.

