How to create a file upload field in flexform of a custom extbase extension in TYPO3 10?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-05-16 01:33:09


I tried to create a file upload field in flexform of an extbase extension in TYPO3 10. since the internal_type "file" is not supported in TYPO3 10, I tried the below given code.

        <label>Background Image</label>
            <foreign_selector_fieldTcaOverride type="array">
            <foreign_match_fields type="array">
            <appearance type="array">
                <createNewRelationLinkTitle>Add Image</createNewRelationLinkTitle>

But this is also not working correctly. please help me to fix this. Thank you


Here is a currently working complete FlexForm with only a single FAL-Image field. The config has changed again... :-(

                <sheetTitle>Example 1</sheetTitle>
                <!-- example of a working fal image -->
                <!-- end -->


Thanks for the code. I've been looking for a solution here for a while myself.

Unfortunately, the wrong image is displayed in my template. The output in my fluid template is like this:

{f:uri.image(src:'{data.flexform_images}', treatIdAsReference:'1')}

What's wrong?

