Install R packages using docker file

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-05-14 14:42:34


I have installed R using below line in my docker file. Please suggest how do I specify now packages to be installed in my docker file.

RUN yum -y install R-core R-devel

I'm doing something like this:

RUN R -e "install.packages('methods',dependencies=TRUE, repos='')"\
    && R -e "install.packages('jsonlite',dependencies=TRUE, repos='')" \
    && R -e "install.packages('tseries',dependencies=TRUE, repos='')" 

Is this the right way to do?


As suggested by @Cameron Kerr's comment, Rscript does not give you a build failure. As of now, the recommended way is to do as the question suggests.

RUN R -e "install.packages('methods',dependencies=TRUE, repos='')"
RUN R -e "install.packages('jsonlite',dependencies=TRUE, repos='')"
RUN R -e "install.packages('tseries',dependencies=TRUE, repos='')" 

If you're fairly certain of no package failures then use this one-liner -

RUN R -e "install.packages(c('methods', 'jsonlite', 'tseries'),

EDIT: If you're don't use the Base-R image, you can use rocker-org's r-ver or r-studio or tidyverse images. Here's the repo. Here's an example Dockerfile -

FROM rocker/tidyverse:latest

# Install R packages
RUN install2.r --error \
    methods \
    jsonlite \

The --error flag is optional, it makes install.packages() throw an error if the package installation fails (which will cause the docker build command to fail). By default, install.packages() only throws a warning, which means that a Dockerfile can build successfully even if it has failed to install the package.

All rocker-org's basically install the littler package for the install2.R functionality


Yes, your solution should work. I came across the same problem and found the solution here

In short, use: RUN Rscript -e "install.packages('PACKAGENAME')". I have tried it and it works.


You could write an R script with the desired install commands, then run it using Docker--if I'm reading this documentation correctly (

FROM r-base
COPY . /usr/local/src/myscripts
WORKDIR /usr/local/src/myscripts
CMD ["Rscript", "myscript.R"]

Build your image with the command:

$ docker build -t myscript /path/to/Dockerfile

Where myscript.R contains the appropriate package installation commands.


The R -e "install.packages..." approach does not always produce an error when package installation fails.

I wrote a script based on Cameron Kerr's answer here, which produces an error if the package cannot be loaded, and interrupts the Docker build process. It installs packages from either an R package repo, from GitHub, or from source given a full URL. It also prints the time taken to install, to help plan which packages to group together in one command.

Example usage in Dockerfile:

# Install from CRAN repo:
RUN Rscript install_packages_or_die.R Cairo
RUN Rscript install_packages_or_die.R Cairo # Uses default CRAN repo
RUN Rscript install_packages_or_die.R jpeg png tiff # Multiple packages

# Install from GitHub:
RUN Rscript install_packages_or_die.R github ramnathv/htmlwidgets
RUN Rscript install_packages_or_die.R github timelyportfolio/htmlwidgets_spin spin

# Install from source given full URL of package:
RUN Rscript install_packages_or_die.R curl

Here's the script:

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

# Install R packages or fail with error.
# Arguments:
#   - First argument (optional) can be one of:
#       1. repo URL
#       2. "github" if installing from GitHub repo (requires that package 'devtools' is
#          already installed)
#       3. full URL of package from which to install from source; if used, provide package
#          name in second argument (e.g. 'curl')
#     If this argument is omitted, the default repo is used.
#   - Remaining arguments are either:
#       1. one or more R package names, or
#       2. if installing from GitHub, the path containing username and repo name, e.g.
#          'timelyportfolio/htmlwidgets_spin', optionally followed by the package name (if
#          it differs from the GitHub repo name, e.g. 'spin').

arg_list = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)

if (length(arg_list) < 1) {
  print("ERROR: Too few arguments.")
  quit(status=1, save='no')

if (arg_list[1] == 'github' || grepl("^https?://", arg_list[1], perl=TRUE)) {
  if (length(arg_list) == 1) {
    print("ERROR: No package name provided.")
    quit(status=1, save='no')
  repo = arg_list[1]
  packages = arg_list[-1]
} else {
  repo = ''
  packages = arg_list

for(i in seq_along(packages)){
    p = packages[i]

    start_time <- Sys.time()
    if (grepl("^https?://[A-Za-z0-9.-]+/.+", repo, perl=TRUE)) {
      # If 'repo' is URL with path after domain name, treat it as full path to a package
      # to be installed from source.
      install.packages(repo, repo=NULL, type="source");
    } else if (repo == "github") {
      # Install from GitHub.
      github_path = p
      elems = strsplit(github_path, '/')
      if (lengths(elems) != 2) {
        print("ERROR: Invalid GitHub path.")
        quit(status=1, save='no')
      username = elems[[1]][1]
      github_repo_name = elems[[1]][2]
      if (![i+1])) {
        # Optional additional argument was given specifying the R package name.
        p = packages[i+1]
      } else {
        # Assume R package name is the same as GitHub repo name.
        p = github_repo_name

    } else {
      # Install from R package repository.
      install.packages(p, dependencies=TRUE, repos=repo);
    end_time <- Sys.time()

    if ( ! library(p, character.only=TRUE, logical.return=TRUE) ) {
      quit(status=1, save='no')
    } else {
      cat(paste0("Time to install ", p, ":\n"))
      print(end_time - start_time)

    if (repo == "github") {

