I'd like to add a tab to a screen which contains a memo / formatted text area the way the Cases screen does, e.g.:
Adding a tab is straightforward, no help necessary there, but I don't remember seeing anything about how to add this type of text area in the training courses. If there's an example I'd appreciate a point in the right direction.
You can add the RichTextEditor manually to your aspx file.
<px:PXTabItem Text="Test">
<px:PXRichTextEdit runat="server" AllowLoadTemplate="false"
AllowAttached="true" AllowSearch="true" AllowMacros="true"
AllowSourceMode="true" DataField="YOURFIELD" ID="edDescription"
<AutoSize Enabled="True" />
Make sure you Tab has the correct Datamember where your field used on the RichTextEditor is located.
<px:PXTab DataMember="Document" ID="tab" runat="server" Height="540px" Style="z-index: 100;" Width="100%">
Also you could mark your Field used on the RichTextEditor as PXDBText.
#region YourField
public abstract class yourField : IBqlField { }
protected String _yourField;
[PXDBText(IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "YOURFIELD")]
public virtual String YourField
return this._yourField;
this._yourField = value;