I went through numerous solutions for this but couldn't replicate for outlook DLs. I have below requirement.
- Create .bat file for testng.xml file and run using task scheduler at any prescribed time. This one I have done.
- Next is to send the testng report to outlook DLs. I am using a remote desktop which is being used by many users.
How can I achieve that? I don't want to use sendEmail.exe file.
Any suggestions please?
1. I tried Send an email(Deprecated) which gives this error :-
An error has occurred for task test. Error message: The following error was reported. The task definition uses a deprecated feature.
2. Using https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/ch.fortysix/maven-postman-plugin/0.1.6 . But for this also some error is coming up.
3. If I am using a server desktop which is being used by other users also. They will be able to see my password for the outlook. How to get rid of this?
What you want to do will not work.
You could however just use powershell Send-MailMessage
which comes standard on a windows system by running it in a batchfile:
Note, It must be powershell 2.0 or later.
-From "someone@someserver.net"
-To "whoever@gmail.com"
-Subject "Test email"
-Body "This is a test"
-SmtpServer Some_exhange_server_name\
I broke down the text using newlines for readability, but it should be a single line.
Just create a powershell file called something like sendmail.ps1
and enter the code
Send-MailMessage -From "someone@someserver.net" -To "whoever@gmail.com" -Subject "Test email" -Body "This is a test" -SmtpServer some_exhange_Server_name
additionally, to send mail with an attachment.
-From "someone@someserver.net"
-To "whoever@gmail.com"
-Subject "Test email"
-Body "This is a test"
-SmtpServer Some_exhange_server_name\
-Attachments "c:\my files\file.log"
again in one line as to be used:
Send-MailMessage -From "someone@someserver.net" -To "whoever@gmail.com" -Subject "Test email" -Body "This is a test" -SmtpServer Some_exhange_server_name\ -Attachments "c:\my files\file.log"