I am able to obtain 'Skype ID' / 'Skype user name' , but my solution does not always work because it seems the contact DB of the Skype app does not always contain (expose?) 'all' the data.
Let me explain the situation before asking my question:
1 - Gathering info from Skype apk
Skype App (apk) contains /res/xml/contacts.xml
which contains
android:detailColumn="data4" />
android:detailColumn="data4" />
android:detailColumn="data4" />
android:detailColumn="data4" />
The important data here is these 4 Skype mimeTypes:
It looks like these have been added around Augustus 2018 (see here http://www.skaip.org/skype-8-27-0-88-for-android )
One more usefull info is that the ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE of Skype is "com.skype.raider"
2 - Querying Content provider
Using info obtained in point 1, I could query the Skype ContentProvider (using selection ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE+ "= ? " and selectionArgs "com.skype.raider" ) and obtain data which must be 'interpreted' according to the mimeType (one of the 4 Skype mimeTypes obtained in point 1).
2.1 - For mimeType vnd.android.cursor.item/com.skype4life.message
, I obtain something like this:
mimetype = vnd.android.cursor.item/com.skype4life.message
_id = 2773
lookup = 1450iSkype_288
contact_id = 1601
display_name = <Skype User DISPLAY Name HERE>
raw_contact_id = 515
mimetype = vnd.android.cursor.item/com.skype4life.message
data1 = 8:<skype.user.name.value.here>
data2 = null
data3 = Skype
is_primary = 0
data5 = null
<Skype User DISPLAY Name HERE> is an actual Display Name
<skype.user.name.value.here> is an actual Skype user name / Skype ID
is the data I want, so this is good!
Important note:
The lookup = 1450iSkype_288
can be parsed to obtain 288
which is the RawcontactId of some other contact!
If this rawContact has a contactId, then this allows me to find the original Contact (vs RawContact)
It does even sometimes refer some contact which is NOT a Google contact, but, for example, a WhatsApp contact!
Enjoy this important info ;-)
2.2 - Similar data for theses 2 mimeTypes:
So I am also able to obtain <skype.user.name.value.here>
. Again, this is good!
2.3 - the Phone mimeType
does not contain Skype ID (in field data1
), but instead the phone number, which makes sense.
3 - The Problem
So, all this works fine an I decided to test my code on some other devices, where I installed Skype and used it with same Skype account + same Google account and, BOOM, here is the problem:
The Skype Content Provider only has data for mimeType
"vnd.android.cursor.item/com.skype4life.phone" // <- contains Skype user's phone number, NOT Skype user name / Skype ID
and has NO data for these 3 mimeTypes
"vnd.android.cursor.item/com.skype4life.message" // <- contains Skype username / ID
"vnd.android.cursor.item/com.skype4life.audio" // <- contains Skype username / ID
"vnd.android.cursor.item/com.skype4life.video" // <- contains Skype username / ID
Skype Phone Numbers are only usefull to pass phone call using Skype, but that's not what I want to do: I want to pass 'Internet Skype audio / video' calls, not 'regular cell phone' calls.
4 - Question
Why is the Skype app sometimes storing all 4 'phone/message/audio/video' mimeTypes data and sometimes, only 'phone' mimeType?
In the latter case, I am not able to obtain Skype Ids / Skype user names, i.e. the <skype.user.name.value.here>
I mentioned above.
I understand my solution is the result of some kind of 'reverse-engineering-like method' and is not 'official' at all, but maybe someone else did the same kind of investigation I did and could find a solution?
Maybe there is some 'Skype sync settings' which should be activated within the Skype app or Within Android?
I already force contacts re-sync for Google and Skype accounts, but this did not help.
Thanks for your help.
What a great research! I got here because I stumbled upon the same problem. I also want to get skype username, but only mimetype "vnd.android.cursor.item/com.skype4life.phone" is present in the address book.
If I look at your link, where you mention these com.skype4life.* are added, I also see the addition of:
= com.skype4life
= com.android.contacts
So they added this together. Maybe we should sync it in one way or another?
The mere problem is, that you don't have com.skype.raider.permission.ACCOUNT
So you can only query them through ContentProvider
or build an index to look them up.
For example:
- How to get Skype info from the Android contact list?
- Get Skype name from Contacts list
Intent strings alike com.skype.android.skypecall.action
might not exist anymore, because com.skype.raider/com.skype4life
obviously is not the same application.