PHP Amazon S3 Uploads And Tags

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-05-13 19:20:47


I'm coding a video sharing site. I'm using S3 to store and serve up the videos. I've coded tags for the videos in my MySQL database but I saw that S3 supports settings tags on uploaded files. Here's the code I'm using to upload files:

try {
                //Create a S3Client
                $s3Client = new S3Client([
                    'region' => 'us-east-1',
                    'version' => 'latest',
                    'credentials' => [
                        'key' => '',
                        'secret' => ''
                $result = $s3Client->putObject([
                    'Bucket' => $bucket,
                    'Key' => $assetFilename,
                    'SourceFile' => $fileTmpPath,
                    'Metadata'   => array(
                        'title' => $requestAr['title'],
                        'description' => $requestAr['description']
                $s3Client->waitUntil('ObjectExists', array(
                    'Bucket' => $bucket,
                    'Key'    => $assetFilename
            } catch (S3Exception $e) {

This is a 2 part question. First, how can I specify tags here? I can't find any PHP examples. Next, let's say someone uploads a video and they put a tag on it. S3 tags are key/value pairs. What should I set for the keys? I was thinking of just using something like [tag1, tag2, tag3] for each video and the value of those being the tag strings. Here's the S3 tags doc:


To set an object tag, simply pass the Tagging element to the putObject() parameters. In your case, it'd be like this:

$result = $s3Client->putObject([
    'Bucket' => $bucket,
    'Key' => $assetFilename,
    'SourceFile' => $fileTmpPath,
    'Tagging' => 'category=tag1', // your tag here!
    'Metadata'   => array(
        'title' => $requestAr['title'],
        'description' => $requestAr['description']

Notice the tag is a simple key=value string. As a "thinking ahead" measure, I'd make the tags be category=tagValue, so you can categorize them and eventually add more tag categories. If you do tag1=true, then it'll get messy quick.

  • putObject() reference

