Create a list of custom type in F# and create two sequences of that list

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-05-09 17:19:32


I have created my own type in F# called Accounts and I have then created objects for each account.

type Account() =   

  let AccountNumber = ""
  let mutable Balance:float = 0.0

Every account has two fields, AccountNumber (string) and Balance (float).

I have then created an object for every account that holds the AccountName and the Balance.

let acc1 = new Account()  

let acc2 = new Account()  

How do I create a list that holds each account (object)? I have tried the following:

let AccountList : Account list = [acc1;  acc2 ;  acc3; acc4 ; acc5; acc6]
let AccountList : Account obj list = [acc1;  acc2 ;  acc3; acc4 ; acc5; acc6]

I cannot solve the problem using the above method because I have to create two sequences from the list:

Sequence 1: All accounts with a balance greater or equal to zero and less than 50 Sequence 2: All accounts with a balance above 50

How do I create a list of my custom type in F# and how do I create two sequences of that list?


It is not clear what exactly are you struggling with. However, the following simple example should illustrate most of the key ideas that you probably need to use. First, here is a small version of your Account class (note that I would normally use an immutable record, but I kept it the way you did it):

type Account(balance:float) =   
  let mutable balance = balance
  member x.Balance = balance
  member x.Add(difference) = 
    balance <- balance + difference

I do not see what issue you have with creating the list. The following works just fine:

let acc1 = Account(100.0)
let acc2 = Account(10.0)

let accountList = [acc1; acc2]

Now, to answer the question about finding accounts with balance over 50, you can use the List.filter function to create a new filtered list:

let above50 = 
  accountList |> List.filter (fun acc ->
    acc.Balance > 50.0)

EDIT If you wanted to use a record instead, then you would define the type as:

type Account = { Balance : float }

And create a value using:

let acc1 = { Balance = 100.0 }


So I created this answer for the other one but I was waiting on the comment to see if I would answer. And the homework like aspect of this :)

So if you have criteria that bucket an account and want to do that in a single pass, you might want to look at groupBy. Here I use a boolean because there are only 2 possibilities but numbers or a discriminated union are good candidates.

open System

type Account(accountNumber:string, startingBalance:Int64) =
    let mutable balance = startingBalance

    member _.Balance = balance
    member _.Deposit amount = balance <- balance + amount
    member _.Withdraw amount = balance <- balance - amount
    override _.ToString() = accountNumber

let allAccounts = [Account("ABC1", 10L); Account("ABC2", 50L)]

let grouped = allAccounts |> List.groupBy (fun a -> a.Balance >= 50L) |> Map.ofList

let under50 = grouped |> Map.tryFind false |> Option.defaultValue []
let overIncl50 = grouped |> Map.tryFind true |> Option.defaultValue []

printfn "Under: %A" under50
printfn "Over: %A" overIncl50

