I'm trying to calculate w/w growth rates entirely in R. I could use excel, or preprocess with ruby, but that's not the point.
data.frame example
date gpv type
1 2013-04-01 12900 back office
2 2013-04-02 16232 back office
3 2013-04-03 10035 back office
I want to do this factored by 'type' and I need to wrap up the Date type column into weeks. And then calculate the week over week growth.
I think I need to do ddply to group by week - with a custom function that determines if a date is in a given week or not?
Then, after that, use diff
and find the growth b/w weeks divided by the previous week.
Then I'll plot week/week growths, or use a data.frame to export it.
This was closed but had same useful ideas.
UPDATE: answer with ggplot:
All the same as below, just use this instead of plot
ggplot(data.frame(week=seq(length(gr)), gr), aes(x=week,y=gr*100)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method='loess') + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(.95, 10.05)) + scale_x_discrete() + ggtitle('week over week growth rate, from Apr 1') + ylab('growth rate %')
(old, correct answer but using only plot)
Well, I think this is it:
df_net <- ddply(df_all, .(date), summarise, gpv=sum(gpv)) # df_all has my daily data.
df_net$week_num <- strftime(df_net$date, "%U") #get the week # to 'group by' in ddply
df_weekly <- ddply(df_net, .(week_num), summarize, gpv=sum(gov))
gr <- diff(df_weekly$gpv)/df_weekly$gpv[-length(df_weekly$gpv)] #seems correct, but this I don't understand via: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15356121/how-to-identify-the-virality-growth-rate-in-time-series-data-using-r
plot(gr, type='l', xlab='week #', ylab='growth rate percent', main='Week/Week Growth Rate')
Any better solutions out there?
For the last part, if you want to calculate the growth rate you can take logs and then use diff, with the default parameters lag = 1 (previos week) and difference = 1 (first difference):
df_weekly_log <- log(df_weekly)
gr <- diff(df_weekly_log , lag = 1, differences = 1)
The later is an approximation, valid for small differences.
Hope it helps.