ViewModel SavedStateHandler.get for LiveData can't set default value as per the document?

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-04-30 04:31:05


In referring to,%20T)

The sample codes in Java as below.

 String defaultValue = ...; // nullable
 LiveData<String> liveData;
 if (defaultValue != null) {
     liveData = savedStateHandle.get(KEY, defaultValue);
 } else {
     liveData = savedStateHandle.get(KEY);

However, I notice that when tried to compile the code, the statement below is not compilable.

savedStateHandle.get(KEY, defaultValue);

It error out stating

get(String) in SavedStateHandle cannot be applied to (String, java.lang.String).

I trace into the code, and seems like savedStatehandle doesn't have a get that takes in a default value. Did I miss anything?


Apparently the Google Document has typo. It supposed to be

 String defaultValue = ...; // nullable
 LiveData<String> liveData;
 if (defaultValue != null) {
     liveData = savedStateHandle.getLiveData(KEY, defaultValue);
 } else {
     liveData = savedStateHandle.getLiveData(KEY);

i.e. getLiveData instead of just get.

