
…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-04-26 08:09:15

<font style = "font-family:微软雅黑;font-size:16px"> <div> <h1>二、特殊结构的长难句</h1> 1. 分裂结构<br> 2. 嵌套结构<br> 3. 平行结构<br><br>

<h3>特殊结构的长难句:分裂结构</h3> There is growing fear among vice-chancellors that this revenue——as well as the cultural, academic and economic benefit international students bring——is being put at risk.<br> (CET-4, 201312 仔细阅读2)<br><br><br> There is growing fear among vice-chancellors that this revenue is being put at risk.<br> (CET-4, 201312 仔细阅读2)<br><br><br> <h3>特殊结构的长难句:嵌套结构</h3> Among the government's most interesting reports is one that estimates what parents spend on their children.<br> (CET-6, 201312 仔细阅读 1)<br><br><br> A survey of 439 medical technicians found that 55 percent of technicians who monitor bypass machines acknowledged that they had talked on cellphones during heart surgery.<br> (CET-4,201406 仔细阅读 1)<br><br><br> <div style = "width:840px;height:100px;padding:10px;border:1px solid">A sunrvey ... found &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;宾语从句 &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; &emsp;&emsp;定语从句&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;定语从句 <div style = "width:700px;height:70px;border:1px solid;margin:0px 40px 20px 150px; ">that 55 percent of technicians<span style = "width:240px;height:50px;display:inline-block;border:1px solid">who monitor bypass machines</span>acknowledged<span style = "width:115px;height:50px;display:inline-block;border:1px solid">that they had..</span> </div> </div><br><br><br> <h3>特殊结构的长难句:平行结构</h3> The English, the Germans, the Dutch and the French were investing in Britain's former colony.<br><br><br> <span style = "width:200px;display:inline-block;height:320px;border-left:4px solid red"> The English<br><br> ,the Germans<br><br> ,the Dutch<br><br> and the French </span><span style = "text-align:center;width:200px;height:320px;display:inline-block">were investing in Britain's former colony.<br><br><br><br></span> Both areas are critical to producing citizens who can participate effectively in our democratic society, become innovative leaders, and benefit from the spiritual enrichment that teh reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.<br> (CET-4, 201406 仔细阅读 1)<br><br><br> Several hours after a meal, people's hunger levels were predicted not by how much they'd eaten but rather by how much food they'd seen in front of them...<br> (CET-4, 201312 仔细阅读 1)<br><br><br> But brains are the superior choice when you want information to change, in interesting and useful ways: to connect up with other facts and ideas, to acquire successive layers of meaning, to steep for a while in your accumulated knowledge and experience...<br> (CET-6, 201406 仔细阅读 1)<br><br><br> <h3>长难句综合运用</h3> indeed, according to surveys, employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly-based education that has taught them to write well, think critically, research creatively and communicate easily.<br> (CET-4, 201406 仔细阅读 1)<br><br><br> Cole and Fredrickson found that people who are happy but have little to no sense of meaning in their lives have the same gene expression patterns as people who are responding to and enduring chronic adversity.<br> (CET-6, 201412 长篇阅读) </div> </font>
