I'm trying to configure Jenkins gerrit trigger following this instructions: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gerrit+Trigger. One point says to grant 'Label verified' permission to Non-intractive users. The problem is, I don't see such a privilege...
'Add permission...' combo box has 'Label Code-review' permission but not 'Label verified'.
Was this permission removed/renamed from gerrit 2.7? Will this plugin work if I don't set it?
Indeed the "Verified label" was removed. You need to add it to the project.config which is not as straight forward as it sounds. More info on how to add it to your project.config can be found in this blog post as I answered here before
In Gerrit version 2.12, I was able to re-add "Label Verified" by changing the All Project Config via the GUI.
- Selecting Projects => List => All Projects => General
- Clicking the Edit Config button under the Project Commands section
- Adding the following block at the bottom and clicking
[label "Verified"]
function = MaxWithBlock
value = -1 Fails
value = 0 No score
value = +1 Verified
- Click the Save and Close button
- Click the Publish button
- Click the Code Review +2 button
- Click the Submit button
Yes this label was removed from the default installation of Gerrit 2.7. If you had an earlier installation and upgrade to 2.7 you will still have the label. The plugin will still work - you can add the verified label to your Gerrit setup or configure the plugin to use the code reviewe label (or any other custom label).