Hibernate search sorting with collation

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-04-18 12:34:16


I upgraded Hibernate search from version - 4.3.0.Final to the latest stable version - 5.4.12.Final. All is good except sorting norwegian words. In the old version of hibernate there was SortField with locale in the constructor:

/** Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, by terms in the given field sorted
   * according to the given locale.
   * @param field  Name of field to sort by, cannot be <code>null</code>.
   * @param locale Locale of values in the field.
  public SortField (String field, Locale locale, boolean reverse) {
    initFieldType(field, STRING);
    this.locale = locale;
    this.reverse = reverse;

But in the new hibernate search SortField does not have locale. According to hibernate reference documentation (https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/search/reference/en-US/html_single/#_analysis) for sort words words in foreign languages we should use CollationKeyFilterFactory with normalizer. But there is no such class in this version of hibernate search. Maven pom:


The question: What should I use/create in the hibernate search for sort norwegian words?

Now I have such sort order:

atest, btest, ctest, ztest, åtest, ætest, øtest

The correct order:

atest, btest, ctest, ztest, ætest, øtest, åtest

There is CollationKeyAnalyzer class, but I do not know how to use this for sorting:

  public final class CollationKeyAnalyzer extends Analyzer {
  private final CollationAttributeFactory factory;

   * Create a new CollationKeyAnalyzer, using the specified collator.
   * @param collator CollationKey generator
  public CollationKeyAnalyzer(Collator collator) {
    this.factory = new CollationAttributeFactory(collator);

  protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) {
    KeywordTokenizer tokenizer = new KeywordTokenizer(factory, KeywordTokenizer.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    return new TokenStreamComponents(tokenizer, tokenizer);

Very similar question without answer: How to do case insensitive sorting of Norwegian characters (Æ, Ø, and Å) using Hibernate Lucene Search?


I'm not sure how much it helps you but the CollationKeyFilterFactory was deprecated and indeed removed.

In the class' Javadoc it says:

use CollationKeyAnalyzer instead.

You can find the Javadoc here.


But there is no such class in this version of hibernate search.

This part of the documentation looks obsolete, I'll look into updating it.

I found CollationKeyAnalyzer, but the javadoc states that it's obsolete and that ICUCollationKeyAnalyzer should be used instead.

Try adding this dependency to your POM:


Then create your own analyzer class that re-implements ICUCollationKeyAnalyzer with a hard-coded locale:

public class MyCollationKeyAnalyzer extends Analyzer {
    private final ICUCollationAttributeFactory factory;

    public MyCollationKeyAnalyzer(Version luceneVersion) {
        this.factory = new ICUCollationAttributeFactory( Collactor.getInstance( Locale.getInstance( "nb_NO" ) ) );

    protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) {
        KeywordTokenizer tokenizer = new KeywordTokenizer(factory, KeywordTokenizer.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
        return new TokenStreamComponents(tokenizer, tokenizer);

Then create your field:

public class MyEntity {

    // ...

    @Field(name = "title_sort", index = Index.NO, normalizer = @Normalizer(impl = MyCollationKeyAnalyzer.class))
    @SortableField(forField = "title_sort")
    private String title;

   // ...

Then sort on that field like this:

FullTextEntityManager ftEm = Search.getFullTextEntityManager( entityManager );
QueryBuilder qb = ...; // The usual
Query luceneQuery = ...; // The usual
FullTextQuery ftQuery = ftEm.createFullTextQuery( luceneQuery, MyEntity.class );
ftQuery.setSort( qb.sort().byField( "title_sort" ).createSort() );
ftQuery.setMaxResults( 20 );
List<MyEntity> hits = ftQuery.getResultList();

I didn't try this though, so let us know if it worked for you.


In order to fix sorting I created my own NorwegianCollationFactory. It is not perfect solution as I copied code from old version of Hibernate Search (IndexableBinaryStringTools.class), but it is working fine.
NorwegianCollationFactory class:

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.TokenFilterFactory;

import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

public final class NorwegianCollationFactory extends TokenFilterFactory {

    public NorwegianCollationFactory(Map<String, String> args) {

    public TokenStream create(TokenStream input) {
        Collator norwegianCollator = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("no", "NO"));
        return new CollationKeyFilter(input, norwegianCollator);


CollationKeyFilter class:

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.Objects;

public final class CollationKeyFilter extends TokenFilter {

    // This code is copied from IndexableBinaryStringTools.class from the old version of hibernate search  4.3.0.Final
    private static final CollationKeyFilter.CodingCase[] CODING_CASES = {
            new CollationKeyFilter.CodingCase(7, 1),
            new CollationKeyFilter.CodingCase(14, 6, 2),
            new CollationKeyFilter.CodingCase(13, 5, 3),
            new CollationKeyFilter.CodingCase(12, 4, 4),
            new CollationKeyFilter.CodingCase(11, 3, 5),
            new CollationKeyFilter.CodingCase(10, 2, 6),
            new CollationKeyFilter.CodingCase(9, 1, 7),
            new CollationKeyFilter.CodingCase(8, 0)

    private final Collator collator;
    private final CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);

    public CollationKeyFilter(TokenStream input, Collator collator) {
        this.collator = (Collator) collator.clone();

    public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
        if (input.incrementToken()) {
            byte[] collationKey = collator.getCollationKey(termAtt.toString()).toByteArray();
            int encodedLength = getBinaryStringEncodedLength(collationKey.length);
            encodeToBinaryString(collationKey, collationKey.length, termAtt.buffer());
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    // This code is copied from IndexableBinaryStringTools class from the old version of hibernate search  4.3.0.Final
    private void encodeToBinaryString(byte[] inputArray, int inputLength, char[] outputArray) {
        if (inputLength > 0) {
            int inputByteNum = 0;
            int caseNum = 0;
            int outputCharNum = 0;
            CollationKeyFilter.CodingCase codingCase;
            for (; inputByteNum + CODING_CASES[caseNum].numBytes <= inputLength; ++outputCharNum) {
                codingCase = CODING_CASES[caseNum];
                if (codingCase.numBytes == 2) {
                    outputArray[outputCharNum] = (char) (((inputArray[inputByteNum] & 0xFF) << codingCase.initialShift)
                            + (((inputArray[inputByteNum + 1] & 0xFF) >>> codingCase.finalShift) & codingCase.finalMask) & (short) 0x7FFF);
                } else {
                    outputArray[outputCharNum] = (char) (((inputArray[inputByteNum] & 0xFF) << codingCase.initialShift)
                            + ((inputArray[inputByteNum + 1] & 0xFF) << codingCase.middleShift)
                            + (((inputArray[inputByteNum + 2] & 0xFF) >>> codingCase.finalShift) & codingCase.finalMask) & (short) 0x7FFF);
                inputByteNum += codingCase.advanceBytes;
                if (++caseNum == CODING_CASES.length) {
                    caseNum = 0;
            codingCase = CODING_CASES[caseNum];
            if (inputByteNum + 1 < inputLength) {
                outputArray[outputCharNum++] = (char) ((((inputArray[inputByteNum] & 0xFF) << codingCase.initialShift)
                        + ((inputArray[inputByteNum + 1] & 0xFF) << codingCase.middleShift)) & (short) 0x7FFF);
                outputArray[outputCharNum] = (char) 1;
            } else if (inputByteNum < inputLength) {
                outputArray[outputCharNum++] = (char) (((inputArray[inputByteNum] & 0xFF) << codingCase.initialShift) & (short) 0x7FFF);
                outputArray[outputCharNum] = caseNum == 0 ? (char) 1 : (char) 0;
            } else {
                outputArray[outputCharNum] = (char) 1;

    // This code is copied from IndexableBinaryStringTools class from the old version of hibernate search 4.3.0.Final
    private int getBinaryStringEncodedLength(int inputLength) {
        return (int) ((8L * inputLength + 14L) / 15L) + 1;

    // This code is copied from IndexableBinaryStringTools class from the old version of hibernate search 4.3.0.Final
    private static class CodingCase {
        int numBytes;
        int initialShift;
        int middleShift;
        int finalShift;
        int advanceBytes = 2;
        short middleMask;
        short finalMask;

        CodingCase(int initialShift, int middleShift, int finalShift) {
            this.numBytes = 3;
            this.initialShift = initialShift;
            this.middleShift = middleShift;
            this.finalShift = finalShift;
            this.finalMask = (short) ((short) 0xFF >>> finalShift);
            this.middleMask = (short) ((short) 0xFF << middleShift);

        CodingCase(int initialShift, int finalShift) {
            this.numBytes = 2;
            this.initialShift = initialShift;
            this.finalShift = finalShift;
            this.finalMask = (short) ((short) 0xFF >>> finalShift);
            if (finalShift != 0) {
                advanceBytes = 1;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) {
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
            return false;
        if (!super.equals(o)) {
            return false;
        CollationKeyFilter that = (CollationKeyFilter) o;
        return Objects.equals(collator, that.collator) &&
                Objects.equals(termAtt, that.termAtt);

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), collator, termAtt);


Entity mapping example:

@NormalizerDef(name = "textSortNormalizer",
        filters = {
                @TokenFilterDef(factory = LowerCaseFilterFactory.class),
                @TokenFilterDef(factory = PatternReplaceFilterFactory.class, params = {
                        @Parameter(name = "pattern", value = "('-&\\.,\\(\\))"),
                        @Parameter(name = "replacement", value = " "),
                        @Parameter(name = "replace", value = "all")
                @TokenFilterDef(factory = PatternReplaceFilterFactory.class, params = {
                        @Parameter(name = "pattern", value = "([^0-9\\p{L} ])"),
                        @Parameter(name = "replacement", value = ""),
                        @Parameter(name = "replace", value = "all")
                @TokenFilterDef(factory = NorwegianCollationFactory.class)
public class Entity {

    @Field(name = "name_for_sort", normalizer = @Normalizer(definition = "textSortNormalizer"))
    @SortableField(forField = "name_for_sort")
    private String name;


