I want to export all objects DDL to separate file example (table_a_create.sql
, view_b_create.sql
, trigger_c_create.sql
, table_contraints.sql
I was trying with pg_dump
but it only exports to one file for the whole schema.
I read some questions about this on stackoverflow but still not enough for my requirement
Ex: How to dump PostgreSQL database structure (each object in separate file)
Is there any way to do it? I'm using Windows
If you are on the client machine, you can put this in a SQL script (e.g. export_plpgsql.sql) :
\pset tuples_only on
\pset footer off
\set QUIET on
\pset format unaligned
\set QUIET off
SELECT '\echo ''* Export '||(CASE proKind WHEN 'f' THEN 'Function' ELSE 'Procedure' END)||' : '||proName||''''
||chr(10)||'\copy (SELECT pg_get_functiondef('||p.oid||')) TO '''||:'export_path'||'/'||upper(proName)
||(CASE proKind WHEN 'f' THEN '.fct' ELSE '.prc' END)||''' WITH CSV;' as export_routine
FROM pg_proc p
WHERE proNamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspName = lower(:'schema_name'))
ORDER BY proName;
and call it using 2 arguments : schema_name and export_path, for example :
psql -U my_ -d my_db -v schema_name=my_schema -v export_path=C:/temp/export_PG -f export_plpgsql.sql > C:\temp\export_plpgsql.gen.sql
This will generate a script containing all the exports command for your plpgsql routines, e.g.
\copy (SELECT pg_get_functiondef(51296)) TO 'C:/temp/export_PG/my_procedure.prc' WITH CSV;
Last step : run the generated script
psql -U my_ -d my_db -f C:\temp\export_plpgsql.gen.sql
It will generate a .prc file for each procedure and a .fct file for each function. NB: You may have to refine the script as you can have other kind of functions (proKind) in pg_proc view.