I really like the commenting interface employed by Medium, allowing users to highlight a portion of an article and comment on that specific part.
I would like to implement a similar commenting facility in a VueJS app.
I found this package which does something similar: http://aroc.github.io/side-comments-demo/, but I want to try to find something that has been updated more recently. Also, it requires jquery, which I don't currently use and I would like to avoid adding that dependency if possible.
I would love to know if anyone has seen anything that could help.
I have created a sample at https://codesandbox.io/s/medium-style-text-select-comment-box-h5o9r
Here I am adding the comments component to the root component such that it is available globally. On component mount()
hook, I am attaching a mouseup
method to the window
object where any selections done are checked using
if (window.getSelection() && !window.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
//execute only with the getSelection() method is available
//and the current selection is not collapsed
Once we do have a selection, the position on the page is calculated using the selection position and its dimensions and the floating comments component is positioned accordingly.
We can get the selected text using
I would advise you to go through the sandbox as there are a lot of things going on which are not in this answer.