I attempted to follow the solution provided in this question, but it simply didn't work.
Essentially, my function works like so:
(define (item-price size normal-addons premium-addons discount)
(define price 0)
(+ price (* normal-addon-cost normal-addons) (* premium-addon-cost premium-addons) size)
.. some conditions here
[else price]))
However, I am met with the following error:
define: expected only one expression for the function body, but found 2 extra parts
Now, I've tried wrapping the body of the function in a 'begin', however when run it claims that 'begin' is not defined. I am using the Beginner Student language version as oppose to straight-up Racket. Any insight on a workaround?
The problem remains the same: in the language that's being used, we can't write more than one expression inside a function body, we can't use begin
to pack more than one expression, and both let
and lambda
(which would have allowed us to create local bindings) are forbidden. That's a lot of restrictions, but we can get around using a helper function that calculates the price each time:
(define normal-addon-cost 10) ; just an example
(define premium-addon-cost 100) ; just an example
(define (price size normal-addons premium-addons)
(+ (* normal-addon-cost normal-addons)
(* premium-addon-cost premium-addons)
(define (item-price size normal-addons premium-addons discount)
... some conditions here ...
[else (price size normal-addons premium-addons)]))
Alternatively: if price
is used only once, simply in-line the expression that calculates it, there's no need to create a local variable or a helper function.