I am using Music21 in Python to read from a MIDI file and I want to only deal with the tracks that use a certain instrument. For example, if, in my MIDI file I have two tracks that use piano I want to be able to print the notes, change the instrument, etc.
Right now I have a file with multiple tracks (drums, trumpet etc.) and I am just messing around with it trying to replace a certain instrument with another. However, when I do I get an error and some of the tracks are removed completely although the instrument is successfully changed (assuming it's not one of the ones removed).
Here's my current code:
from music21 import converter, instrument
s = converter.parse('smells.mid')
s = instrument.partitionByInstrument(s)
s.parts[2].insert(0, instrument.Vocalist())
s.write('midi', 'newfilename.mid')
and this is the error I'm getting:
midi.base.py: WARNING: Conversion error for <MidiEvent PROGRAM_CHANGE, t=0, track=1, channel=1>: Got incorrect data for <MidiEvent PROGRAM_CHANGE, t=0, track=1, channel=1> in .data: None,cannot parse Program Change; ignored.
Here's what I was trying to do:
def printInstrument(self, strm, inst):
s2 = instrument.partitionByInstrument(strm)
if s2 is not None:
#print all the notes the instrument plays
for i in s2.recurse().parts:
if i.partName == inst:
iNotes = i.notesAndRests.stream()
for j in iNotes.elements:
if type(j) == chord.Chord:
#handle chords
elif j.name == "rest":
#handle rests
#handle notes