1. 日志类型
1.1 类别
日志类型 | 说明 |
websocketpp::log::alevel | 接入日志,默认只有debug/development日志 |
websocketpp::log::elevel | 错误日志 |
1.2 日志策略
日志策略 | 备注 |
websocketpp::log::basic | 基本日志策略,写日志到std::ostream,默认策略 |
websocketpp::log::syslog | POSIX系统日志 |
websocketpp::log::stub | 存根日志, |
1.3 设置函数
日志类型 | 函数 | 说明 |
websocketpp::log::elevel | clear_error_channels(level) set_error_channels(level) |
level参考2.2,默认只有debug/development级别关闭 |
websocketpp::log::alevel | clear_access_channels(level) set_access_channels(level) |
level参考2.1,默认只有debug/development级别关闭 |
2. 日志级别
2.1 错误日志级别
Level | Description |
none | Special aggregate value representing "no levels": 关闭全部日志级别 |
devel | Low level debugging information (warning: very chatty). Requires debug or custom config.: 低级调试信息,要求debug或custom配置 |
library | Information about unusual system states or other minor internal library problems, less chatty than devel.: 关于系统状态或其他最小内部库问题的信息,比devel级别输出少 |
info | Information about minor configuration problems or additional information about other warnings.: 关于最小配置问题信息或其他警告的额外信息 |
warn | Information about important problems not severe enough to terminate connections.: 警告 |
rerror | Recoverable error. Recovery may mean cleanly closing the connection with an appropriate error code to the remote endpoint.:可恢复的错误 |
fatal | Unrecoverable error. This error will trigger immediate unclean termination of the connection or endpoint.: 不可恢复错误 |
all | Special aggregate value representing "all levels": 全部日志级别 |
2.2 接入日志级别
Level | Description |
none | Special aggregate value representing "no levels":关闭全部日志级别 |
connect | One line for each new connection that includes a host of information including: the remote address, websocket version, requested resource, http code, remote user agent: 一行包含一条connection日志 |
disconnect | One line for each connection that is closed. Includes closing codes and reasons:一行包含一条connect关闭日志 |
control | One line per control message: 一行包含一条控制消息日志 |
frame_header | One line per frame, includes the full frame header: 一行包含一帧,只包含帧头 |
frame_payload | One line per frame, includes the full message payload (warning: lots of output for large messages): 一行包含一帧,只包含消息载荷 |
message_header | Reserved:保留 |
message_payload | Reserved:保留 |
endpoint | Reserved:保留 |
debug_handshake | Extra information about opening handshakes: 打开握手的额外信息 |
debug_close | Extra information about closing handshakes: 关闭握手的额外信息 |
devel | Development messages (warning: very chatty). Requires debug or custom config: development消息,要求debug或custom 配置 |
app | Special channel for application specific logs. Not used by the library.应用定制日志 |
all | Special aggregate value representing "all levels": 表示全部日志级别 |