I want to add extra Information to a figure in MATLAB, like this:
Is it possible? (Of course I want it to be more beautiful)
I put together something reasonably generic, see below.
I will generalize this a bit more and post it to the File Exchange, I think it's a fairly nice tool to have around :)
I intend to
- automatically adjust the table size to fit its contents
- make it suited for arbitrary legend placement
- couple the table and legend together when moving them with the mouse
- make the header optional
- support various types of input
But for now:
% Example input
plot(1,1,'r.', 1.1,1.1', 'b.', 1.2,1.2, 'k.');
legendHandle = legend('plot 1', 'plot 2 with longer title', 'plot 3');
tableHead = {'\theta_0' '\phi' 'df/dx'};
tableContent = rand(3);
% Extract information
legendPosition = get(legendHandle, 'position');
children = get(legendHandle, 'children');
labels = children(strcmp(get(children, 'type'), 'text'));
% Basic error traps
if size(tableContent,1) ~= numel(labels)
'Each legend entry must have a corresponding row in the table.')
if size(tableHead,2) ~= size(tableContent,2)
'Table header dimensions are inconsistent with table data.');
% Convert header & content to cell-array when necessary
if isnumeric(tableContent)
tableContent = cellfun(@num2str, ...
num2cell(tableContent), 'UniformOutput', false);
if isnumeric(tableHead)
tableHead = cellfun(@num2str, ...
num2cell(tableHead), 'UniformOutput', false);
% Proper tick locations for the table
xticks = linspace(0, 1, numel(tableHead)+1);
yticks = linspace(0, 1, numel(labels)+2);
% Text positions are in the centers of the table cells
txt_xPositions = xticks(1:end-1) + (xticks(2)-xticks(1))/2;
txt_yPositions = fliplr(yticks(1:end-1) + (yticks(2)-yticks(1))/2);
% Derive correct table position
headerHeight = legendPosition(4)/numel(labels);
tablePosition = legendPosition + [0 -headerHeight 0 headerHeight];
% Shift position of original legend
set(legendHandle, 'position', legendPosition + [-tablePosition(3) -headerHeight 0 0])
% Create table
table = axes(...
'position', tablePosition,...
'xtick', xticks,...
'ytick', yticks,...
'xticklabel', [],...
'yticklabel', [],...
'gridlinestyle', '-',...
'box', 'on',...
'tag', 'LegendTable');
grid on
% Print table header & table entries
kk = 1;
tableTexts = zeros(numel(tableHead)+numel(tableContent),1);
for ii = 1:numel(txt_xPositions)
% Column header
tableTexts(kk) = text(txt_xPositions(ii), txt_yPositions(1), tableHead{ii},...
'parent', table,...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
kk = kk + 1;
% Column content
for jj = 1:numel(txt_yPositions)-1
tableTexts(kk) = text(...
txt_xPositions(ii), txt_yPositions(jj+1), tableContent{jj,ii},...
'parent', table,...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
kk = kk + 1;
Well perhaps a bit of an overkill:
You could use uitable, like this
%define your data:
dat = {' green', 1, 2;...
' blue', 2,3.1;...
' yellow', 3, 4.8;}
columnname = {' ', 'Param1', 'Param2'};
columnformat = {'char', 'numeric', 'numeric'};
t = uitable('Units','normalized','Position',...
[0.05 0.05 0.755 0.87], 'Data', dat,...
'ColumnName', columnname,...
'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...
'RowName',[], 'Parent', gcf);
you just need to know the handle, if gcf (get current figure) doesnt work! you can then resize and do whatever you want, to make it look nice...
You can use the num2str
function to pass parameters to the legend.
legend(['red ' num2str(param1_red) ' ' num2str(param2_red)], ... )