def check(account,pwd): f=open('兼职.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') for line in f: if account and pwd in line: return True else: return False f.close() def save_file(accounts): f=open('兼职.txt','w',encoding='utf-8') f.truncate() for k in accounts: raw=','.join(accounts[k]) f.write("%s\n"%raw) f.flush() f.close() def personinfo(account,accounts): info=''' --------------------- Name %s Age %s Job %s Filed %s -------------------- '''%(accounts[account][0], accounts[account][2], accounts[account][3], accounts[account][4], ) print(info) def change(account,accounts): print(accounts[account]) info=''' -------------------- 1 Name 2 Age 3 Job 4 Filed -------------------- ''' print(info) num=int(input()) if num<=4: if num==1: print('the old value:%s'%accounts[account][num-1]) new_value=input('the new value:') accounts[account][num-1]=new_value print(accounts[account]) save_file(accounts) else: print('the old value:%s'%accounts[account][num]) new_value=input('the new value:') accounts[account][num]=new_value print(accounts[account]) save_file(accounts) else: print('No result') def main(): f=open("兼职.txt",'r',encoding='utf-8') info = """ 1, 打印个人信息 2,修改个人信息 3,修改密码 """ accounts={} n=0 for line in f: line=line.strip() items=line.split(",") accounts[items[0]]=items f.close() IsUser=True while True: account=input('account:') pwd=input('password:') IsUser=check(account, pwd) if IsUser: while True: print(info) num = int(input()) if num==1: personinfo(account,accounts) if num==2: change(account, accounts) else: if n<=3: n+=1 print(n) print('无此人信息') else: print('请下次在尝试') break if '__main__'==__name__: main()
def print_personal_info(account_dic,username): """ print user info :param account_dic: all account's data :param username: username :return: None """ person_data = account_dic[username] info = ''' ------------------ Name: %s Age : %s Job : %s Dept: %s Phone: %s ------------------ ''' %(person_data[1], person_data[2], person_data[3], person_data[4], person_data[5], ) print(info) def save_back_to_file(account_dic): """ 把account dic 转成字符串格式 ,写回文件 :param account_dic: :return: """ #回到文件头 f.truncate() #清空原文件 for k in account_dic: row = ",".join(account_dic[k]) f.write("%s\n"%row) f.flush() def change_personal_info(account_dic,username): """ change user info ,思路如下 1. 把这个人的每个信息打印出来, 让其选择改哪个字段,用户选择了的数字,正好是字段的索引,这样直接 把字段找出来改掉就可以了 2. 改完后,还要把这个新数据重新写回到account.txt,由于改完后的新数据 是dict类型,还需把dict转成字符串后,再写回硬盘 :param account_dic: all account's data :param username: username :return: None """ person_data = account_dic[username] print("person data:",person_data) column_names = ['Username','Password','Name','Age','Job','Dept','Phone'] for index,k in enumerate(person_data): if index >1: #0 is username and 1 is password print("%s. %s: %s" %( index, column_names[index],k) ) choice = input("[select column id to change]:").strip() if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if choice > 0 and choice < len(person_data): #index不能超出列表长度边界 column_data = person_data[choice] #拿到要修改的数据 print("current value>:",column_data) new_val = input("new value>:").strip() if new_val:#不为空 person_data[choice] = new_val print(person_data) save_back_to_file(account_dic) #改完写回文件 else: print("不能为空。。。") account_file = "account.txt" f = open(account_file,"r+") raw_data = f.readlines() accounts = {} #把账户数据从文件里读书来,变成dict,这样后面就好查询了 for line in raw_data: line = line.strip() if not line.startswith("#"): items = line.split(",") accounts[items[0]] = items menu = ''' 1. 打印个人信息 2. 修改个人信息 3. 修改密码 ''' count = 0 while count <3: username = input("Username:").strip() password = input("Password:").strip() if username in accounts: if password == accounts[username][1]: # print("welcome %s ".center(50,'-') % username ) while True: #使用户可以一直停留在这一层 print(menu) user_choice = input(">>>").strip() if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice == 1: print_personal_info(accounts,username) elif user_choice == 2: change_personal_info(accounts,username) elif user_choice == 'q': exit("bye.") else: print("Wrong username or password!") else: print("Username does not exist.") count += 1 else: print("Too many attempts.")