Gradle 6.2.2 broke my bintray publishing (artifact names instead of version numbers)

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-03-26 02:28:29


Since updating to gradle 6.2.2 the bintray publishing went nuts. Bintray shows the artifact names instead of the version numbers and the library is unuseable do to this.

  • Link to the bintray library
  • Link to the build.gradle file

Did anyone experience this or knows, why this is happening?

EDIT: Switching to a 5.6.3 gradle wrapper will upload the library as it is supposed to (without the artifact/version number naming issue)


Newer Gradle versions publish more secure checksums as well. These checksums are not recognized by Bintray and thus it assumes, there's another version of the artifact. You should notice that all semantic versions are actually complete and that you could delete the non-versions.

To suppress publishing these checksums, you could add the following to your gradle properties.

