How to get page id from wikipedia page title

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-03-23 13:03:20


I am trying to find the wiki id of list of pages from wikipedia. So, the format is:

input: list of wikipedia page titles

output: list of wikipedia page ids.

So far, I've gone through Mediawiki API to understand how to proceed, but couldn't find a correct way to implement the function. Can anyone suggest how to get the list of page ids?


Query basic page information:

import requests

page_titles = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
url = (
    '&titles=' + '|'.join(page_titles) +
json_response = requests.get(url).json()

title_to_page_id  = {
    page_info['title']: page_id
    for page_id, page_info in json_response['query']['pages'].items()}

print([title_to_page_id[title] for title in page_titles])

This will print:

{'A': '290', 'B': '34635826', 'C': '5200013', 'D': '8123'}
['290', '34635826', '5200013', '8123']

If you have too many titles, you have to query for them in multiple requests because there is a 50 (500 for bots) limit for the number of titles that can be queried at once.


The answer provided by AXO works as long as you don't have unnormalized titles such as a category page "Category:Computer_storage_devices" or special characters like &.

In that case you also need to map the response with the normalized titles as following:

def get_page_ids(page_titles):
    import requests
    from requests import utils

    page_titles_encoded = [requests.utils.quote(x) for x in page_titles]

    url = (
        '&titles=' + '|'.join(page_titles_encoded) +
    # print(url)
    json_response = requests.get(url).json()
    # print(json_response)

    page_normalized_titles = {x:x for x in page_titles}
    result = {}
    if 'normalized' in json_response['query']:
        for mapping in json_response['query']['normalized']:
            page_normalized_titles[mapping['to']] = mapping['from']

    for page_id, page_info in json_response['query']['pages'].items():
        normalized_title = page_info['title']
        page_title = page_normalized_titles[normalized_title]  
        result[page_title] = page_id

    return result

get_page_ids(page_titles = ['Category:R&J_Records_artists', 'Category:Computer_storage_devices', 'Category:Main_topic_classifications'])

will print

{'Category:R&J_Records_artists': '33352333', 'Category:Computer_storage_devices': '895945', 'Category:Main_topic_classifications': '7345184'}.

