
戏子无情 提交于 2020-03-23 06:30:12



public interface WorkerMapper extends Mapper<Worker> {}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""><mapper namespace="com.jjs.kaiwen.dao.WorkerMapper">  <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.jjs.kaiwen.model.Worker">    <!--      WARNING - @mbggenerated    -->    <id column="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="id" />    <result column="worker_id" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="workerId" />    <result column="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="name" />    <result column="org_id" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="orgId" />    <result column="status" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="status" />    <result column="role_id" property="roleId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />  </resultMap></mapper>


@Table(name = "worker")public class Worker {    @Id    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)    private Integer id;     @Column(name = "worker_id")    private String workerId;     private String name;     @Column(name = "org_id")    private Integer orgId;     private String status;     @Column(name = "role_id")    private Integer roleId;     // getters and setters ...    }




@Column(name = "worker_no")private String workerNo;


    <bean class="tk.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperScannerConfigurer">        <property name="sqlSessionFactoryBeanName" value="sqlSessionFactory" />        <property name="basePackage" value="com.jjs.zanbi.dao" />        <property name="properties">            <value>                mappers=tk.mybatis.mapper.common.Mapper            </value>        </property>    </bean>




public interface WorkerMapper extends Mapper<Worker> {}


public interface Mapper<T> extends        BaseMapper<T>,        ExampleMapper<T>,        RowBoundsMapper<T>,        Marker { }



public interface SelectOneMapper<T> {     /**     * 根据实体中的属性进行查询,只能有一个返回值,有多个结果是抛出异常,查询条件使用等号     *     * @param record     * @return     */    @SelectProvider(type = BaseSelectProvider.class, method = "dynamicSQL")    T selectOne(T record); }


public class BaseSelectProvider extends MapperTemplate {     public String selectOne(MappedStatement ms) {        Class<?> entityClass = getEntityClass(ms);        //修改返回值类型为实体类型        setResultType(ms, entityClass);        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();        sql.append(SqlHelper.selectAllColumns(entityClass));        sql.append(SqlHelper.fromTable(entityClass, tableName(entityClass)));        sql.append(SqlHelper.whereAllIfColumns(entityClass, isNotEmpty()));        return sql.toString();    }}




MapperFactoryBean -> SqlSessionDaoSupport -> DaoSupport


public abstract class DaoSupport implements InitializingBean { // spring 完成属性设置后会调用此方法    @Override    public final void afterPropertiesSet() throws IllegalArgumentException, BeanInitializationException {        // 这里提供了接口供子类去实现        checkDaoConfig();         // Let concrete implementations initialize themselves.        try {            initDao();        }        catch (Exception ex) {            throw new BeanInitializationException("Initialization of DAO failed", ex);        }    }     protected abstract void checkDaoConfig() throws IllegalArgumentException;     protected void initDao() throws Exception {    } }


    @Override    protected void checkDaoConfig() {        super.checkDaoConfig();        //通用Mapper        if (mapperHelper.isExtendCommonMapper(getObjectType())) {        //这里去处理该类所对应的MappedStatement,封装在helper类中处理            mapperHelper.processConfiguration(getSqlSession().getConfiguration(), getObjectType());        }    }


    public void processConfiguration(Configuration configuration, Class<?> mapperInterface) {        String prefix;        if (mapperInterface != null) {            prefix = mapperInterface.getCanonicalName();        } else {            prefix = "";        }        for (Object object : new ArrayList<Object>(configuration.getMappedStatements())) {            if (object instanceof MappedStatement) {                MappedStatement ms = (MappedStatement) object;                //检查这个MappedStatement是否属于此映射对象                if (ms.getId().startsWith(prefix) && isMapperMethod(ms.getId())) {                    if (ms.getSqlSource() instanceof ProviderSqlSource) {                       //去设置该statement的sql语句                        setSqlSource(ms);                    }                }            }        }    }


    public void setSqlSource(MappedStatement ms) throws Exception {        if (this.mapperClass == getMapperClass(ms.getId())) {            throw new RuntimeException("请不要配置或扫描通用Mapper接口类:" + this.mapperClass);        }        Method method = methodMap.get(getMethodName(ms));        try {            //第一种,直接操作ms,不需要返回值            if (method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) {                method.invoke(this, ms);            }            //第二种,返回SqlNode            else if (SqlNode.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) {                SqlNode sqlNode = (SqlNode) method.invoke(this, ms);                DynamicSqlSource dynamicSqlSource = new DynamicSqlSource(ms.getConfiguration(), sqlNode);                setSqlSource(ms, dynamicSqlSource);            }            //第三种,返回xml形式的sql字符串            else if (String.class.equals(method.getReturnType())) {                String xmlSql = (String) method.invoke(this, ms);                SqlSource sqlSource = createSqlSource(ms, xmlSql);                //替换原有的SqlSource                setSqlSource(ms, sqlSource);




select,,,b.bname .....from user a left join room b 



    <resultMap id="workerResultMap" type="com.jjs.kaiwen.model.Worker" extends="BaseResultMap">        <association property="room" columnPrefix="b_"  resultMap="com.jjs.kaiwen.dao.OrgMapper.BaseResultMap"/>    </resultMap>



<include refid="user_col_sql_id_with_alias"><property name="alias" value="t"/><property name="prefix" value="t_"/></include>


    <sql id="base_column_with_alias">        ${alias}.ID as ${prefix}ID,        ${alias}.WORKER_ID as ${prefix}WORKER_ID,        ${alias}.NAME as ${prefix}NAME,        ${alias}.ZB_ROLE_ID as ${prefix}ZB_ROLE_ID,        ${alias}.ORG_ID as ${prefix}ORG_ID,        ${alias}.STATUS as ${prefix}STATUS    </sql>



/** * Created by Kaiwen */@Servicepublic abstract class CommonServiceImpl<T,PK extends Serializable> implements CommonService<T,PK> {    /**     * 泛型注入     */    @Autowired    private Mapper<T> mapper;     public T selectByPrimaryKey(PK entityId) {         return mapper.selectByPrimaryKey(entityId);    }     public int deleteByPrimaryKey(PK entityId) {        return mapper.deleteByPrimaryKey(entityId);    }     public int insert(T record) {        return mapper.insert(record);    }     public int insertSelective(T record) {        return mapper.insertSelective(record);    }     public int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(T record) {        return mapper.updateByPrimaryKeySelective(record);    }     public int updateByPrimaryKey(T record) {        return mapper.updateByPrimaryKey(record);    }     public List<T> selectByExample(Example example) {        return mapper.selectByExample(example);    }}


    <bean class="tk.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperScannerConfigurer">        <property name="sqlSessionFactoryBeanName" value="sqlSessionFactory" />        <property name="basePackage" value="" />        <property name="properties">            <value>                mappers=tk.mybatis.mapper.common.Mapper            </value>        </property>    </bean>      <bean class="org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperScannerConfigurer">        <property name="basePackage" value=",com.jjshome.esf.core.dao.hsl"/>    </bean>
package; import java.util.Date;import javax.persistence.*; @Table(name = "XQ_SCHOOL_AREA")public class SchoolArea {    /**     * 主键ID     */    @Id    @Column(name = "ID")    private Integer id;     /**     * 城市编码     */    @Column(name = "CITY_CODE")    private String cityCode;     /**     * 学区名称     */    @Column(name = "NAME")    private String name;     /**     * 学区名称拼音     */    @Column(name = "NAME_SPELL")    private String nameSpell;     /**     * 状态,1:正常,0:删除     */    @Column(name = "STATUS")    private Byte status;     /**     * 添加人     */    @Column(name = "CREATE_ID")    private String createId;      @Transient    private Integer primaryCount; //小学数量    @Transient    private Integer middleCount; //初中数量    @Transient    private Integer highCount;//高中数量

TK mybatis Mapper文件内容

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "" ><mapper namespace="" >  <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="" >    <!--      WARNING - @mbggenerated    -->    <id column="ID" property="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" />    <result column="CITY_CODE" property="cityCode" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />    <result column="NAME" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />    <result column="NAME_SPELL" property="nameSpell" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />    <result column="STATUS" property="status" jdbcType="TINYINT" />    <result column="CREATE_ID" property="createId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />    <result column="CREATE_DATE" property="createDate" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />    <result column="UPDATE_ID" property="updateId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />    <result column="UPDATE_DATE" property="updateDate" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />    <result column="CITY_NAME" property="cityName"/>    <result column="PRIMARY_COUNT" property="primaryCount"/>    <result column="MIDDLE_COUNT" property="middleCount"/>    <result column="HIGH_COUNT" property="highCount"/>  </resultMap>     <resultMap id="SchoolDetailArea" type=""               extends="">        <result column="SCHOOL_AREA_NAME" property="schoolAreaName"/>    </resultMap>     <select id="selectByPage" parameterType="map" resultMap="BaseResultMap">         SELECT A.*, C.NAME AS CITY_NAME,        (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM XQ_SCHOOL_INFO B WHERE A.ID=B.AREA_ID AND B.TYPE='553' AND B.STATUS = 1 ) AS PRIMARY_COUNT,        (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM XQ_SCHOOL_INFO B WHERE A.ID=B.AREA_ID AND B.TYPE='554' AND B.STATUS = 1 ) AS MIDDLE_COUNT,        (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM XQ_SCHOOL_INFO B WHERE A.ID=B.AREA_ID AND B.TYPE='555' AND B.STATUS = 1 ) AS HIGH_COUNT        FROM XQ_SCHOOL_AREA A        LEFT JOIN YW_CITY_SETTING C ON A.CITY_CODE = C.CODE        <where>            <if test="name != null and name != '' "> A.NAME LIKE CONCAT('%',#{NAME},'%')  </if>            <if test="areaCityCode != null and areaCityCode != '' "> A.CITY_CODE = #{areaCityCode}  </if>            <if test="keywords != null and keywords != '' ">                ( A.NAME LIKE CONCAT('%',#{keywords},'%')                )            </if>        </where>    </select>      <select id="selectAreaIdAndKeyWord" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="BaseResultMap">        SELECT        *        FROM        XQ_SCHOOL_AREA        WHERE        1=1        <if test="cityId != null">            AND CITY_CODE=#{cityId}        </if>        <if test="key != null and key!=''">            AND (NAME like CONCAT(#{key},'%' ) or NAME_SPELL like CONCAT(#{key},'%' ))        </if>        AND        STATUS=1        <if test="pageSize != null">            limit #{pageSize}        </if>    </select>      <!--查询学区详情列表-->    <select id="selectAreaDetailByPage" parameterType="map" resultMap="SchoolDetailArea">         SELECT A.* ,B.NAME AS SCHOOL_AREA_NAME ,C.NAME AS CITY_NAME,D.NAME AS AREA_NAME FROM XQ_SCHOOL_INFO A        LEFT JOIN XQ_SCHOOL_AREA B ON A.AREA_ID = B.ID        LEFT JOIN YW_CITY_SETTING C ON A.CITY_CODE = C.CODE        LEFT JOIN YW_CITY_SETTING D ON A.AREA_CODE = D.CODE         WHERE A.STATUS = 1 AND B.STATUS =1        <if test="areaId != null and areaId.length() &gt; 0">  AND A.AREA_ID = #{areaId} </if>        <if test="typeList != null and typeList.size &gt; 0">            AND            A.TYPE IN            <foreach collection="typeList"  item="item" index="index" open="(" close=")" separator=",">                #{item}            </foreach>        </if>        <if test="name != null and name != '' "> AND   A.NAME LIKE CONCAT('%',#{name},'%')  </if>    </select> </mapper>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "" ><mapper namespace="">    <resultMap id="SchoolInfo" type="">        <id column="ID" property="id"/>        <result column="NAME" property="name"/>        <result column="NAME_SPELL" property="nameSpell"/>        <result column="ALIAS" property="alias"/>        <result column="ALIAS_SPELL" property="aliasSpell"/>        <result column="TYPE" property="type" typeHandler="com.jjshome.esf.core.component.handler.DictValueTypeHandler"/>        <result column="AREA_ID" property="areaId"/>        <result column="CITY_CODE" property="cityCode"/>        <result column="AREA_CODE" property="areaCode"/>        <result column="ADDR" property="addr"/>        <result column="START_TIME" property="startTime"/>        <result column="MOTTO" property="motto"/>        <result column="WEB_SITE" property="webSite"/>        <result column="PHONE" property="phone"/>        <result column="FEATURE" property="feature" typeHandler="com.jjshome.esf.core.component.handler.DictValueListTypeHandler"/>        <result column="LNG" property="lng"/>        <result column="LAT" property="lat"/>        <result column="UNIT_PRICE" property="unitPrice"/>        <result column="SALE_PRICE" property="salePrice"/>        <result column="NATURE_TYPE" property="natureType" typeHandler="com.jjshome.esf.core.component.handler.DictValueTypeHandler"/>        <result column="NATURE_CITY" property="natureCity" typeHandler="com.jjshome.esf.core.component.handler.DictValueTypeHandler"/>        <result column="SCHOOL_DEGREE" property="schoolDegree"/>        <result column="ENROL_DEGREE" property="enrolDegree"/>        <result column="IMG_DEGREE" property="imgDegree"/>        <result column="STATUS" property="status"/>        <result column="CREATE_ID" property="createId"/>        <result column="CREATE_DATE" property="createDate"/>        <result column="UPDATE_ID" property="updateId"/>        <result column="UPDATE_DATE" property="updateDate"/>         <result column="CITY_NAME" property="cityName" />        <result column="AREA_NAME" property="areaName" />        <result column="SCHOOL_DISTRICT_NAME" property="schoolDistrictName" />        <result column="SALE_COUNT" property="saleCount" />    </resultMap>     <sql id="Base_Column_List">        ID,        NAME,        NAME_SPELL,        ALIAS,        ALIAS_SPELL,        TYPE,        AREA_ID,        CITY_CODE,        AREA_CODE,        ADDR,        START_TIME,        MOTTO,        WEB_SITE,        PHONE,        FEATURE,        LNG,        LAT,        UNIT_PRICE,        SALE_PRICE,        NATURE_TYPE,        NATURE_CITY,        SCHOOL_DEGREE,        ENROL_DEGREE,        IMG_DEGREE,        STATUS,        CREATE_ID,        CREATE_DATE,        UPDATE_ID,        UPDATE_DATE,        SALE_COUNT,        SALE_COUNT    </sql>     <select id="selectById" resultMap="SchoolInfo" parameterType="java.lang.Integer">        SELECT            i.*,            yc.NAME as 'CITY_NAME',            ya.NAME as 'AREA_NAME',            xq.NAME as 'SCHOOL_DISTRICT_NAME'        FROM            XQ_SCHOOL_INFO i            LEFT JOIN YW_CITY_SETTING yc ON i.CITY_CODE = yc.CODE            LEFT JOIN YW_CITY_SETTING ya ON i.AREA_CODE = ya.CODE            LEFT JOIN XQ_SCHOOL_AREA xq ON i.AREA_ID = xq.ID        WHERE            i.ID = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER}    </select>     <delete id="deleteById" parameterType="java.util.Map">        UPDATE            XQ_SCHOOL_INFO        SET            STATUS = 0,            UPDATE_ID = #{updateId},            UPDATE_DATE = NOW()        WHERE            ID = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER}    </delete>     <delete id="batchDeleteByIds" parameterType="java.util.Map">        UPDATE            XQ_SCHOOL_INFO        SET            STATUS = 0,            UPDATE_ID = #{updateId},            UPDATE_DATE = NOW()        WHERE        ID IN (${ids})    </delete>     <update id="deleteAreaRelation" parameterType="">        update XQ_SCHOOL_INFO            SET AREA_ID = NULL,            UPDATE_DATE = NOW()        WHERE        ID = #{id}    </update>     <insert id="insert" parameterType="">        <selectKey resultType="Integer" keyProperty="id">            SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()        </selectKey>        INSERT INTO XQ_SCHOOL_INFO            (NAME,            NAME_SPELL,            ALIAS,            ALIAS_SPELL,            TYPE,            AREA_ID,            CITY_CODE,            AREA_CODE,            ADDR,            START_TIME,            MOTTO,            WEB_SITE,            PHONE,            FEATURE,            LNG,            LAT,            UNIT_PRICE,            SALE_PRICE,            NATURE_TYPE,            NATURE_CITY,            SCHOOL_DEGREE,            ENROL_DEGREE,            IMG_DEGREE,            STATUS,            CREATE_ID,            CREATE_DATE,            UPDATE_ID,            UPDATE_DATE)        VALUES            (#{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{nameSpell,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{alias,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{aliasSpell,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{type,jdbcType=INTEGER},            #{areaId,jdbcType=INTEGER},            #{cityCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{areaCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{addr,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{startTime,jdbcType=DATE},            #{motto,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{webSite,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{phone,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{feature,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{lng,jdbcType=DECIMAL},            #{lat,jdbcType=DECIMAL},            #{unitPrice},            #{salePrice},            #{natureType,jdbcType=INTEGER},            #{natureCity,jdbcType=INTEGER},            #{schoolDegree,jdbcType=INTEGER},            #{enrolDegree,jdbcType=INTEGER},            #{imgDegree,jdbcType=INTEGER},            #{status,jdbcType=TINYINT},            #{createId,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{createDate,jdbcType=DATE},            #{updateId,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            #{updateDate,jdbcType=DATE})    </insert>    <insert id="insertSelective" parameterType="">        <selectKey resultType="Integer" keyProperty="id">            SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()        </selectKey>        INSERT INTO XQ_SCHOOL_INFO        <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">            <if test="name != null">                NAME,            </if>            <if test="nameSpell != null">                NAME_SPELL,            </if>            <if test="alias != null">                ALIAS,            </if>            <if test="aliasSpell != null">                ALIAS_SPELL,            </if>            <if test="type != null">                TYPE,            </if>            <if test="areaId != null">                AREA_ID,            </if>            <if test="cityCode != null">                CITY_CODE,            </if>            <if test="areaCode != null">                AREA_CODE,            </if>            <if test="addr != null">                ADDR,            </if>            <if test="startTime != null">                START_TIME,            </if>            <if test="motto != null">                MOTTO,            </if>            <if test="webSite != null">                WEB_SITE,            </if>            <if test="phone != null">                PHONE,            </if>            <if test="feature != null">                FEATURE,            </if>            <if test="lng != null">                LNG,            </if>            <if test="lat != null">                LAT,            </if>            <if test="UNIT_PRICE != null">                UNIT_PRICE,            </if>            <if test="SALE_PRICE != null ">                SALE_PRICE,            </if>            <if test="natureType != null">                NATURE_TYPE,            </if>            <if test="natureCity != null">                NATURE_CITY,            </if>            <if test="schoolDegree != null">                SCHOOL_DEGREE,            </if>            <if test="enrolDegree != null">                ENROL_DEGREE,            </if>            <if test="imgDegree != null">                IMG_DEGREE,            </if>            <if test="status != null">                STATUS,            </if>            <if test="createId != null">                CREATE_ID,            </if>            <if test="createDate != null">                CREATE_DATE,            </if>            <if test="updateId != null">                UPDATE_ID,            </if>            <if test="updateDate != null">                UPDATE_DATE,            </if>        </trim>        <trim prefix="VALUES (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">            <if test="name != null">                #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="nameSpell != null">                #{nameSpell,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="alias != null">                #{alias,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="aliasSpell != null">                #{aliasSpell,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="type != null">                #{type,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="areaId != null">                #{areaId,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="cityCode != null">                #{cityCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="areaCode != null">                #{areaCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="addr != null">                #{addr,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="startTime != null">                #{startTime,jdbcType=DATE},            </if>            <if test="motto != null">                #{motto,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="webSite != null">                #{webSite,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="phone != null">                #{phone,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="feature != null">                #{feature,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="lng != null">                #{lng,jdbcType=DECIMAL},            </if>            <if test="lat != null">                #{lat,jdbcType=DECIMAL},            </if>            <if test="unitPrice ! =null">                #{unitPrice},            </if>            <if test="salePrice">                #{salePrice},            </if>            <if test="natureType != null">                #{natureType,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="natureCity != null">                #{natureCity,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="schoolDegree != null">                #{schoolDegree,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="enrolDegree != null">                #{enrolDegree,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="imgDegree != null">                #{imgDegree,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="status != null">                #{status,jdbcType=TINYINT},            </if>            <if test="createId != null">                #{createId,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="createDate != null">                #{createDate,jdbcType=DATE},            </if>            <if test="updateId != null">                #{updateId,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="updateDate != null">                #{updateDate,jdbcType=DATE},            </if>        </trim>    </insert>    <update id="updateSelective" parameterType="">        UPDATE XQ_SCHOOL_INFO        <set>            <if test="name != null">                NAME=#{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="nameSpell != null">                NAME_SPELL=#{nameSpell,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="alias != null">                ALIAS=#{alias,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="aliasSpell != null">                ALIAS_SPELL=#{aliasSpell,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="type != null">                TYPE=#{type,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="type != null">                AREA_ID=#{areaId,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>             <if test="cityCode != null">                CITY_CODE=#{cityCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="areaCode != null">                AREA_CODE=#{areaCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="addr != null">                ADDR=#{addr,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="startTime != null">                START_TIME=#{startTime,jdbcType=DATE},            </if>            <if test="motto != null">                MOTTO=#{motto,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="webSite != null">                WEB_SITE=#{webSite,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="phone != null">                PHONE=#{phone,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="feature != null">                FEATURE=#{feature,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="lng != null">                LNG=#{lng,jdbcType=DECIMAL},            </if>            <if test="lat != null">                LAT=#{lat,jdbcType=DECIMAL},            </if>            <if test="salePrice != null">                UNIT_PRICE=#{unitPrice},            </if>            <if test="salePrice != null">                SALE_PRICE=#{salePrice},            </if>            <if test="natureType != null">                NATURE_TYPE=#{natureType,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="natureCity != null">                NATURE_CITY=#{natureCity,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="schoolDegree != null">                SCHOOL_DEGREE=#{schoolDegree,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="enrolDegree != null">                ENROL_DEGREE=#{enrolDegree,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="imgDegree != null">                IMG_DEGREE=#{imgDegree,jdbcType=INTEGER},            </if>            <if test="status != null">                STATUS=#{status,jdbcType=TINYINT},            </if>            <if test="createId != null">                CREATE_ID=#{createId,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="createDate != null">                CREATE_DATE=#{createDate,jdbcType=DATE},            </if>            <if test="updateId != null">                UPDATE_ID=#{updateId,jdbcType=VARCHAR},            </if>            <if test="updateDate != null">                UPDATE_DATE=#{updateDate,jdbcType=DATE},            </if>            <if test="saleCount != null">                SALE_COUNT=#{saleCount},            </if>        </set>        WHERE            ID = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER}    </update>    <select id="selectList" parameterType="" resultMap="SchoolInfo">        SELECT            <include refid="Base_Column_List" />        FROM            XQ_SCHOOL_INFO        WHERE            STATUS = 1            <if test="areaId != null and areaId != null"> AND AREA_ID = #{areaId} </if>     </select>     <select id="selectSchoolInfoAll" resultMap="SchoolInfo">        SELECT            <include refid="Base_Column_List" />        FROM            XQ_SCHOOL_INFO        WHERE            STATUS = 1        ORDER BY ID DESC    </select>     <select id="selectSchoolInfo" parameterType="com.jjshome.esf.common.model.SchoolInfoSearchModel" resultMap="SchoolInfo">        SELECT            i.*,            yc.NAME as 'CITY_NAME',            ya.NAME as 'AREA_NAME'        FROM            XQ_SCHOOL_INFO i            LEFT JOIN YW_CITY_SETTING yc ON i.CITY_CODE = yc.CODE            LEFT JOIN YW_CITY_SETTING ya ON i.AREA_CODE = ya.CODE        WHERE            i.STATUS = 1        <if test="city != null and city != '' ">            AND i.CITY_CODE=#{city}        </if>        <if test="area != null and area != '' ">            AND i.AREA_CODE=#{area}        </if>        <if test="schoolId != null and schoolId != ''">            AND i.ID=#{schoolId}        </if>         <if test="schoolName != null and schoolName != ''">            AND i.NAME LIKE concat('%',#{schoolName},'%')        </if>         <if test="schoolDistrictId != null and schoolDistrictId != ''">            AND i.AREA_ID=#{schoolDistrictId}        </if>        <if test="schoolType != null and schoolType != '' ">            AND i.TYPE=#{schoolType}        </if>        <if test="key != null and key != '' ">            AND (i.NAME LIKE CONCAT('%',#{key},'%') OR  i.ALIAS LIKE CONCAT('%', #{key}, '%'))        </if>        /*priceType == 1:起售价 2:房源售均价*/        <if test="priceType == 1">            <if test="salePriceStart != null and salePriceStart != '' ">                AND SALE_PRICE &gt;= #{salePriceStart}            </if>            <if test="salePriceEnd != null and salePriceEnd != '' ">                AND SALE_PRICE &lt;= #{salePriceEnd}            </if>        </if>        <if test="priceType == 2">            <if test="salePriceStart != null and salePriceStart != '' ">                AND UNIT_PRICE &gt;= #{salePriceStart}            </if>            <if test="salePriceEnd != null and salePriceEnd != '' ">                AND UNIT_PRICE &lt;= #{salePriceEnd}            </if>        </if>        <if test="perfectSituation == 1">            AND SCHOOL_DEGREE = 100        </if>        <if test="perfectSituation == 2">            AND SCHOOL_DEGREE &lt; 100        </if>        ORDER BY ID DESC     </select>     <select id="selectSchoolByNameAndCityAndArea" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="SchoolInfo">        SELECT            <include refid="Base_Column_List" />        FROM            XQ_SCHOOL_INFO        WHERE            STATUS = 1        AND NAME = #{name}        AND CITY_CODE=#{city}        AND AREA_CODE=#{area}        AND TYPE = #{type}    </select>     <select id="selectAreaIdAndKeyWord" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="SchoolInfo">        SELECT        XSI.*,CYCS.NAME AS  'CITY_NAME',AYCS.NAME AS  'AREA_NAME'        FROM            XQ_SCHOOL_INFO XSI            LEFT JOIN YW_CITY_SETTING CYCS ON  XSI.CITY_CODE = CYCS.CODE            LEFT JOIN YW_CITY_SETTING AYCS ON XSI.AREA_CODE = AYCS. CODE        WHERE            1=1        <if test="areaId != null and areaId != ''">            AND XSI.AREA_CODE=#{areaId}        </if>        <if test="key != null and key!=''">            AND (XSI.NAME like CONCAT(#{key},'%' ) or XSI.NAME_SPELL like CONCAT(#{key},'%' ))        </if>        AND        XSI.STATUS=1        <if test="pageSize != null">            limit #{pageSize}        </if>    </select>      <select id="selectAreaIdList" parameterType="map" resultType="integer">        SELECT DISTINCT AREA_ID FROM XQ_SCHOOL_INFO WHERE NAME LIKE CONCAT('%',#{schoolName},'%')    </select>      <select id="selectSchoolList" parameterType="map" resultMap="SchoolInfo">        SELECT        <include refid="Base_Column_List" />        FROM        XQ_SCHOOL_INFO        WHERE        STATUS = 1        <if test="idList != null and idList.size gt 0">            AND ID IN            <foreach collection="idList"  item="item" index="index" open="(" close=")" separator=",">                #{item}            </foreach>        </if>         <if test="areaId != null and areaId != null"> AND AREA_ID = #{areaId} </if>     </select></mapper>