
人走茶凉 提交于 2020-03-20 06:52:57




  1 --查询数据库是否存在  2 if exists ( select * from sysdatabases where [name]='TestDB')  3 print 'Yes, the DB exists'  4 else  5 print 'No, need a new one?'  6   7 --新建一个数据库  8 create database TestDB on  9 ( 10     name = 'TestData', 11     filename = 'G:\DBS\KeyTest.mdf', 12     size = 3, 13     filegrowth = 2 14 ) 15 log on 16 ( 17     name = 'TestLog', 18     filename = 'G:\DBS\KeyTest.ldf', 19     size = 3, 20     filegrowth = 10 21 ) 22  23 --drop database TestDB 24  25 use TestDB 26 go 27  28 --新建一个表 29 create table [Scores] 30 ( 31     [ID] int identity(1,1) primary key, 32     [Student] varchar(20) , 33     [Subject] varchar(30), 34     [Score] float 35 ) 36  37 --drop table [Scores] 38  39 --修改表中的一列 40 alter table Scores alter column [Student] varchar(20) not null 41  42 --新增一列 43 alter table Scores add Birthday datetime  44  45 --删除一列 46 alter table Scores drop column Birthday 47  48 --往表中插入单条数据,方法1:带列名 49 insert into Scores(Student,Subject,Score) 50 values('张三','语文','90') 51  52 --往表中插入单条数据,方法2:不带列名,但要求值的类型要和列字段类型对应 53 insert into Scores 54 values('张三','英语','95') 55  56 --插入多条数据:用union或者union all 57 insert into Scores(Student,Subject,Score) 58 select '李四','语文','89' 59 union all 60 select '李四','英语','78' 61  62 --删除表中数据,没有条件时,删除所有 63 delete from Scores where ID in(7,8) 64  65 --修改表中数据 66 update Scores  67 set Student='王五',Score='94' 68 where ID=10 69  70 --查看数据 71 select * from Scores 72  73 --查看表中最大的identity值 74 select @@identity 75  76 --或者利用dbcc命令查看表中最大的identity值 77 dbcc checkident('Scores',noreseed) 78  79 --创建视图,全部省略视图的属性列名,由子查询目标列的字段组成 80 create view StudentView 81 as 82 select Student,Subject,Score 83 from Scores 84  85 --加上with check option,以后对视图的操作(增,改,删,查)都会自动加上where ID>3 86 /* 87 create view StudentView 88 as 89 select Student,Subject,Score 90 from Scores 91 where ID>3 92 with check option 93 */ 94  95 --创建视图,全部定义属性列名,需要定义列名的情况: 96 ----某个目标列(子查询)不是单纯的属性列,而是聚集函数或列表达式 97 ----多表连接时选出了几个同名列 98 ----需要在视图中为某个列启用新的更合适的名字 99 create view IS_Student(Student,Subject,MaxScore)100 as101 select Student,Subject,Score102 from Scores103 where Score=(select max(Score) from Scores)104 105 106 --查询视图,和基本表完全样,只不过如果视图中有with check option,会自动加上那个条件107 select * 108 from StudentView109 110 --查询自定义列名的视图111 select * 112 from IS_Student113 114 --对视图的insert/delete/update,和对基本表的操作一样,并且最终都是用RDBMS自动转换为对基本表的更新115 --并不是所有的视图都是可更新的,因为有些视图的更新不能有意义的转换成对相应基本表的更新116 117 --删除视图118 drop view StudentView 




/***这次练习的主题,行转列,列转行***/select * from Scores

2,得到姓名,通过group by

select Student as '姓名'from Scoresgroup by Studentorder by Student

3,再加上max, case……when

select Student as '姓名',max(case Subject when '语文' then Score else 0 end) as '语文' ,--如果这个行是“语文”,就选此行作为列max(case Subject when '英语' then Score else 0 end ) as '英语'from Scoresgroup by Studentorder by Student



--group by, avg/max, pivot。这里用max和avg,结果都一样,有什么区别吗?有点不明白
  for 要转换的列
select Student as '姓名',
avg(语文) as '语文',avg(英语) as '英语'from Scorespivot(    avg(Score) for Subject     in (语文,英语)    )as NewScoresgroup by Studentorder by Student asc
