### 目前已知的缺陷、
比如你前一半读入该类型后一半其他类型是可以的,但是你再读一次该类型就要炸~~ 接了个快读上去,解决了
有神仙说有bug,目前乘法法肯定不会有bug(能过一整道题),所以问题可能出现在减法和加法上,除法大概率不会bug, 修复了
之前0.02会玄学变成0.2 修复了
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<cstring> #include<queue> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<set> #include<map> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; // code mmm uid:38636 //rules // 1 a double which is <1 consider as 0.xxx // 2 a double base place is a const(now here is 69),and the point // 3 ab integer consider as x.0 //#define int long long const int width=100; const int bas=50; const int eps=25; const int deps=7; //double eps struct mdob{ int a[width]; int l,r; int fg,wfg; mdob() { memset(a,0,sizeof(a)); l=r=bas; fg=0; } inline void mov(int p) { if(p==0) return ; if(p>0) for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) { if(i-p<=bas&&i>bas) a[i-p-1]=a[i],a[i]=0; else if(i!=bas) a[i-p]=a[i],a[i]=0; } if(p<0) for(int i=r;i>=l;i--) { if(i-p>=bas&&i<bas) a[i-p+1]=a[i],a[i]=0; else if(i!=bas) a[i-p]=a[i],a[i]=0; } if(p>0) { l=l-p; if(a[l]==0) l++; r=max(r-p,bas+1); } if(p<0) { l=min(l-p,bas-1); r=max(r-p,bas+1); if(a[r]==0) r--; } return ; } void war() { if(fg==0) return; wfg=1; for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) { if(i==bas) continue; a[i]=-a[i]; } } void peace() { if(fg==0) return; wfg=0; for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) { if(i==bas) continue; a[i]=-a[i]; } } //judge a num which <0 look at the firstplace inline void check() { int i,leave=0; if(l==bas) l--; if(r==bas) r--; if(wfg) peace(); for(i=r;i>=l;i--) { if(i==bas) continue; a[i]+=leave; leave=0; if(a[i]>=10) { leave+=a[i]/10,a[i]%=10; if(i==l) l--; } } while(a[l]==0&&l<bas-1) l++; //consider as 0,xxx while(a[r]==0&&r>bas+1) r--; //consider as xxx.0 } inline void clr() { memset(a,0,sizeof(a)); l=r=bas; fg=0; } inline void mread() { clr(); l=r=bas; fg=0; stack <int> s; queue <int> q; char p; p=getchar(); while(p<'0'||p>'9') if(p=='-') fg=1,p=getchar(); while(p>='0'&&p<='9') s.push(p-'0'),p=getchar(); while(!s.empty()) a[--l]=s.top(),s.pop(); if(p!='.') { a[++r]=0; return ; } p=getchar(); while(p>='0'&&p<='9') q.push(p-'0'),p=getchar(); while(!q.empty()) a[++r]=q.front(),q.pop(); return ; check(); } int _10n(int x) { if(x==0) return 1; if(x==1) return 10; if(x==2) return 100; if(x==3) return 1000; if(x==4) return 10000; if(x==5) return 100000; if(x==6) return 1000000; if(x==7) return 10000000; } void doudob(double x) { clr(); double mutis; if(0-x>0.0000001) fg=1,x=-x; mutis=x-floor(x); int rp,lp; //point right,point left lp=floor(x); mutis=1.0*mutis*_10n(deps); l=r=bas; queue <int> s; stack <int> q; while(lp) s.push(lp%10),lp/=10; int ts=1; rp=floor(mutis); while(ts<=deps) { if(rp) q.push(rp%10),rp/=10; else q.push(0); ts++; } while(!s.empty()) a[--l]=s.front(),s.pop(); while(!q.empty()) a[++r]=q.top(),q.pop(); l=min(l,bas-1); r=max(r,bas+1); } inline void strdob(string st) { int muti=st.size(); clr(); l=r=bas; fg=0; stack <int> s; queue <int> q; int p=0; while((st[p]<'0'||st[p]>'9')&&p<muti) if(st[p]=='-') fg=1,p++; while(st[p]>='0'&&st[p]<='9'&&p<muti) s.push(st[p]-'0'),p++; while(!s.empty()) a[--l]=s.top(),s.pop(); if(st[p]!='.') { a[++r]=0; return ; } p++; while(st[p]>='0'&&st[p]<='9'&&p<muti) q.push(st[p]-'0'),p++; while(!q.empty()) a[++r]=q.front(),q.pop(); return ; check(); } inline int getnowplace(int p) { if(p>bas) return p-l; else return p-l+1; } inline void mprint() //printf like P1517 luogu { check(); int i; if(fg) cout<<'-'; if(a[l]!=0)for(i=l;i<bas;i++) cout<<a[i]; if(r==bas) { cout<<endl; return ; } if(a[r]==0) { cout<<endl; return ; } cout<<"."; for(i=bas+1;i<=r;i++) cout<<a[i]; cout<<endl; return ; } inline void fmprint() //printf like P1517 luogu { check(); int i; if(fg) cout<<'-'; if(a[l]!=0)for(i=l;i<bas;i++) cout<<a[i]; cout<<"."; for(i=bas+1;i<=r;i++) cout<<a[i]; cout<<endl; return ; } inline void change_num(int x) { clr(); if(x<0) fg=1; x=-x; while(x) { a[--l]=x%10; x/=10; } a[++r]=0; check(); } inline int findl() { int i=l; while(a[i]<=0) if(i==bas-1) i+=2; else i++; return i; } }; mdob operator *(mdob x,mdob y) { int target[width]; memset(target,0,sizeof(target)); mdob ans; ans.l=ans.r=bas; ans.clr(); ans.fg=x.fg^y.fg; int i,j; int zeropla=x.getnowplace(bas-1)+y.getnowplace(bas-1); for(i=x.l;i<=x.r;i++) { if(i==bas) continue; for(j=y.l;j<=y.r;j++) { if(j==bas) continue; target[x.getnowplace(i)+y.getnowplace(j)-1]+=x.a[i]*y.a[j]; } } int muti=x.getnowplace(x.r)+y.getnowplace(y.r)-1; for(i=zeropla-1;i>=1;i--) ans.a[--ans.l]=target[i]; for(i=zeropla;i<=muti;i++) ans.a[++ans.r]=target[i]; ans.check(); return ans; } mdob operator -(mdob x,mdob y) { int target[width]; memset(target,0,sizeof(target)); mdob ans; int looker=0; y.fg=1-y.fg; y.war(); x.war(); int i,st=min(x.l,y.l),ed=max(x.r,y.r); for(i=st;i<=ed;i++) { if(i==bas) continue; ans.a[i]=x.a[i]+y.a[i]; if(ans.a[i]!=0&&!looker) looker=1,ans.fg=ans.a[i]<0; } ans.l=st; ans.r=ed; int muti=x.getnowplace(x.r)+y.getnowplace(y.r)-1; if(ans.fg==1) { for(i=ed;i>=st+1;i--) if(ans.a[i]>0) { ans.a[i]-=10; if(i-1==bas) ans.a[i-2]++; else ans.a[i-1]++; } } if(ans.fg==0) { for(i=ed;i>=st+1;i--) if(ans.a[i]<0) { ans.a[i]+=10; if(i-1==bas) ans.a[i-2]--; else ans.a[i-1]--; } } ans.peace(); ans.check(); //now //for(i= zeropla-1;i>=1;i--) ans.a[--ans.l]=target[i]; //for(i=zeropla;i<=muti;i++) ans.a[++ans.r]=target[i]; //ans.check(); return ans; } mdob operator +(mdob x,mdob y) { int target[width]; memset(target,0,sizeof(target)); mdob ans; int looker=0; y.war(); x.war(); int i,st=min(x.l,y.l),ed=max(x.r,y.r); for(i=st;i<=ed;i++) { if(i==bas) continue; ans.a[i]=x.a[i]+y.a[i]; if(ans.a[i]!=0&&!looker) looker=1,ans.fg=ans.a[i]<0; } ans.l=st; ans.r=ed; int muti=x.getnowplace(x.r)+y.getnowplace(y.r)-1; if(ans.fg==1) { for(i=ed;i>=st+1;i--) if(ans.a[i]>0) { ans.a[i]-=10; if(i-1==bas) ans.a[i-2]++; else ans.a[i-1]++; } } if(ans.fg==0) { for(i=ed;i>=st+1;i--) if(ans.a[i]<0) { ans.a[i]+=10; if(i-1==bas) ans.a[i-2]--; else ans.a[i-1]--; } } ans.peace(); ans.check(); //now //for(i= zeropla-1;i>=1;i--) ans.a[--ans.l]=target[i]; //for(i=zeropla;i<=muti;i++) ans.a[++ans.r]=target[i]; //ans.check(); return ans; } mdob operator /(mdob x,mdob y) { mdob ans; ans.l=ans.r=bas; ans.clr(); ans.fg=x.fg^y.fg; int i,j; int deltapla; int xl,yl; i=x.l; while(x.a[i]<0) if(i==bas-1) i+=2; else i++; xl=i; i=y.l; while(y.a[i]<0) if(i==bas-1) i+=2; else i++; yl=i; deltapla=yl-xl; if((xl<bas&&yl>bas)||(xl>bas&&yl<bas)) if(deltapla>0) deltapla--; else deltapla++; y.mov(deltapla); mdob looker; int p=y.l; x.fg=0; y.fg=0; ans.l=p; ans.r=bas+eps; while(p<=bas+eps) { if(p==bas) p++; int con=0; while(!x.fg) { x=x-y; con++; } con--; if(con==-1) con++; else { x=x+y; ans.a[p]+=con; } y.mov(-1); p++; } ans.check(); return ans; } bool operator ==(mdob a,mdob b) { int al=a.findl(); int bl=a.findl(); int looker=0; if(a.fg==1) looker=1; if(al<bl&&looker) return 0; if(al>bl&&!looker) return 0; if(al>bl&&looker) return 0; if(al<bl&&!looker) return 0; int i; int st=a.l; int ed=max(a.r,b.r); for(i=st;i<=ed;i++) { if(i==bas) continue; if(a.a[i]!=b.a[i]) return 0; } return 1; } bool operator <(mdob a,mdob b) { if(a==b) return 0; if(a.fg>b.fg) return 1; if(a.fg<b.fg) return 0; int al=a.findl(); int bl=b.findl(); int looker=0; if(a.fg==1) looker=1; if(al<bl&&looker) return 1; if(al>bl&&!looker) return 1; if(al>bl&&looker) return 0; if(al<bl&&!looker) return 0; int i; int st=a.l; int ed=max(a.r,b.r); for(i=st;i<=ed;i++) { if(i==bas) continue; if(a.a[i]>b.a[i]&&looker) return 1; if(a.a[i]>b.a[i]&&!looker) return 0; if(a.a[i]<b.a[i]&&looker) return 0; if(a.a[i]<b.a[i]&&!looker) return 1; } } bool operator >(mdob a,mdob b) { int x=0,y=0; x=a==b; y=a<b; if(x==1) return 0; return y^1; } bool operator <=(mdob a,mdob b) { return (a<b||a==b); } bool operator >=(mdob a,mdob b) { return (a>b||a==b); } mdob operator *(mdob x,double y) { mdob ans,yy; yy.doudob(y); ans=x*y; return ans; } mdob operator /(mdob x,double y) { mdob ans,yy; yy.doudob(y); ans=x/yy; return ans; } mdob _sqrt(mdob x) { mdob l,r,mid; l.strdob("0.0"); mdob target,ans; target.strdob("1.0"); target.mov(-deps); //just for which is >0 if(x.fg==1) return l; if(x==l) return l; r=x; x.mprint(); while(r-l>target) { mid=(l+r)/2; (mid*mid).mprint(); if(mid*mid<=x) l=mid,ans=mid; else r=mid; } return ans; } mdob _pow(int x,mdob &y) { mdob ans; if(x==0) {ans.strdob("1.0"); return ans;} if(x==1) return y; ans.strdob("1.0"); if(x&1) ans=ans*y; ans=ans*_pow(x/2,y)*_pow(x/2,y); return ans; } inline int qread() { int ans=0,f=1; char c=getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) {if(c=='-') f=-1; c=getchar(); }; while(isdigit(c)) { ans=ans*10+c-'0'; c=getchar(); } return f*ans; } signed main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); register int i,j; mdob a,b,c; double t,t2; int x; string s; while(1) { //a.mread(); cin>>t; a.doudob(t); //a.mread(); //x=qread(); //x=qread(); b.mread(); c=a*b; c.mprint(); //c.fmprint(); //cin>>t; //cin>>t2; //c=a/t; //c.mprint(); //a.mread(); //a.clr(); //b.clr(); //a.mread(); //b.mread(); //cout<<(a==b)<<endl; //cout<<(a<b)<<endl; //cout<<(a>b)<<endl; //c=a+b; //c=a*b; //c=a/b; //c=a-b; //c.mprint() } return 0; }